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Arduino Based Parking Assistant V2

In this video, I am going to use an ultrasonic sensor to calculate the car's distance from the garage wall and display it using green, blue,

BeginnerProtip1 hour6,763
Arduino Based Parking Assistant V2

Things used in this project


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Gerber File

New_Tone Library





Untitled file

#include <NewTone.h>

int trigPin = 2; // Sensor Trip pin connected to Arduino pin D5
int echoPin = 3; // Sensor Echo pin connected to Arduino pin D6
int r1LED  = 5;
int r2LED  = 6;
int y1LED  = 7;
int y2LED  = 8;
int b1LED  = 9;
int b2LED  = 10;
int g1LED  = 11;
int g2LED  = 12;
int buzzer = A0; // Buzzer connected to Analogue pin A0
long TempDistance = 0; // A variable to store the temporary distance
int counter = 0; // Counter value to check if the object has stopped moving

void setup() {
  pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);
  pinMode(r1LED,   OUTPUT);
  pinMode(r2LED,   OUTPUT);
  pinMode(y1LED,   OUTPUT);
  pinMode(y2LED,   OUTPUT);
  pinMode(b1LED,   OUTPUT);
  pinMode(b2LED,   OUTPUT);
  pinMode(g1LED,   OUTPUT);
  pinMode(g2LED,   OUTPUT);
  pinMode(buzzer,  OUTPUT);

void loop() {
  long duration, Distance;
  digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);   delayMicroseconds(2);
  digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);  delayMicroseconds(10);
  digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
  duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);
  Distance = (duration/2) / 74; // Distance in Inches
  if(counter < 20){ // Do the rest if the car is still moving
      if (Distance > 200) { turnThemAllOff(); } // Nothing in the garrage
      if (Distance <= 110){ digitalWrite(g2LED, HIGH); } else { digitalWrite(g2LED, LOW); } // Turn on the 1st Green LED   
      if (Distance <= 80) { digitalWrite(g1LED, HIGH); } else { digitalWrite(g1LED, LOW); } // Turn on the 2nd Green LED    
      if (Distance <= 70) { digitalWrite(b2LED, HIGH); } else { digitalWrite(b2LED, LOW); } // Turn on the 1st Blue LED    
      if (Distance <= 60) { digitalWrite(b1LED, HIGH); } else { digitalWrite(b1LED, LOW); } // Turn on the 2nd Blue LED  
      if (Distance <= 50) { digitalWrite(y2LED, HIGH); } else { digitalWrite(y2LED, LOW); } // Turn on the 1st Yellow LED   
      if (Distance <= 40) { digitalWrite(y1LED, HIGH); } else { digitalWrite(y1LED, LOW); } // Turn on the 2nd Yellow LED    
      if (Distance <= 30) { digitalWrite(r2LED, HIGH); } else { digitalWrite(r2LED, LOW); } // Turn on the 1st Red LED    
      if (Distance <= 20) { digitalWrite(r1LED, HIGH); } else { digitalWrite(r1LED, LOW); } // Turn on the 2nd Red LED    
      if (Distance <  10) { NewTone(buzzer, 500); }      else { noNewTone(buzzer); }        // Item is way to close - Start the buzzer
  if ((Distance == TempDistance) || ((Distance+1) == TempDistance) || ((Distance-1) == TempDistance)){
    if(counter >= 20){ // Turn off the lights if the object hasn't moved for 20 cycles (no change in distance)
      Serial.println("No movement detected, turning off the lights");
    } else { counter++;   };
  } else   { counter = 0; }; // Reset counter if there is a movement
  TempDistance = Distance;
  Serial.print(Distance);     Serial.println(" inches");
  Serial.print("Counter : "); Serial.println(counter);

// Function to turn the LEDs off
void turnThemAllOff(){
  digitalWrite(r1LED, LOW);
  digitalWrite(r2LED, LOW);
  digitalWrite(y1LED, LOW);
  digitalWrite(y2LED, LOW);
  digitalWrite(b1LED, LOW);
  digitalWrite(b2LED, LOW);
  digitalWrite(g1LED, LOW);
  digitalWrite(g2LED, LOW);


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