Minimalist NEMA 17 robot wheeled platform using just the Arduino and Ramps 1.4. 1:8 gear ratio using printed pulley and closed GT2 belt
This project shows how you can build a car which can be controlled by your smartphone using an android application via Bluetooth.
You will learn how I converted an RC car from my childhood days to an Arduino-based RC car.
This wirelessly controlled robot car uses gesture: tilt/orientation of hand to drive forward, backward, left or right.
In this video, I am going to use an ultrasonic sensor to calculate the car's distance from the garage wall and display it using green, blue,
A small car based on Arduino platform which can be controlled using Bluetooth and a Android app.
I'll show you how to make a 2-Wheel Bluetooth Controlled Car based on an Arduino Nano.
My first attempt at building an autonomous RC car with a Raspberry Pi 3.
We are using an ultrasound sensor that emits a signal and takes a reading which is displayed on screen using Processing 3.
It's a basic 4-wheel drive car which can be controlled by Android phones.
Learn How to Make A simple SmartPhone controlled robotic car by using Arduino and very basic electronic components.
In this project, we've made a car tuning for a RC Porsche using Arduino including an Android app to make car driving easier.
A different view towards hydraulic system. This is a hydraulic system which is punched with electronics.
Who does not love gaming? Racing and fighting in the virtual world of PlayStation and Xbox! Let's bring that fun to real life!
The tank that will follow you and serve you beer. Coolness is over 9000!
How to turn your RC Car into a Bluetooth controlled RC Car.
I wanted to scale up my little Raspberry Pi OpenCV project testing platform 'a tiny bit'... 'Making a "Dalek" ?'
An easy way for controlling the rotation speed of a DC motor by using PWM signal from arduino and a NPN transistor
Use a Devastator Tank Chassis from DFRobot to create an amazing tank that can navigate autonomously and send GPS data.
Working on complex systems? Maybe a CAN network will make it a lot easier. Talk to different devices over two wires with automotive tech.
A crane controlled by Arduino
Convert an ordinary RC car into an extraordinary obstacle-avoiding robot.
This project shows how to program an Arduino Mega 2560 using Simulink to receive the signals from an R/C receiver.
A hand gesture-controlled car made from scrap DVD player. Hand gestures detected by gyro and Arduino-driven motor.