Hello! In this project I will show you how to make a Bluetooth-controlled car which can be controlled through your Android smartphone!
Before starting, make sure that you have:
- Arduino Uno board
- L293D motor driver
- HC-06 Bluetooth module
- An RC car that can fit all the above!
Optionally, you will need:
- 1M & 100K resistor for battery level
- 4x LEDs for lights
- 1x speaker/buzzer for horn sound
For power, you can use the existing batteries (4x 1.5V AA), or replace them with a LiOn rechargeable battery pack.
At the time I build mine LiPo batteries were not available so I used 12V lead acid batteries. It was just an explanatory Model which can be modified in many ways it's up to your creativity. So best of luck for the project.
Breadboard Schematic:Ι suggest you build your circuit on a (small) breadboard first. Then after checking the circuit, you can make your own PCB. I have attached my PCB layout (it can be improved very much).
Android Bluetooth ControllerTo control your new Bluetooth car, download and install this Android application from the play store named Bluetooth car.
Basic Tutorial VideoMy first video! So forgive me for the little mistakes.
My Bluetooth Car in Action!Tips- First enable Bluetooth and establish connection with BT module (ex. HC-06, password 1234). Use the "Help & Info" button if you cannot understand how it is working.
- Accelerometer function is under development, use with caution!
- If you have problem with this app on your Android device, you can also use this one.
Please share your innovative ideas.
"Learning and innovation go hand in hand. The arrogance of success is to think that what you did yesterday will be sufficient for tomorrow."
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