Indoor air quality traffic light with display and Mqtt support ( ESP32, BME280, CCS811, TM1637, Neopixel, Mqtt)
ESP32 measures the quality of indoor air with a CCS811 and BME280. The measurements are visualized with a neopixel strip and a 7 segment display.
The data can also be sent via Wlan and Mqtt
Attention the measurements are not calibrated and are more than tendency than absolute values!
Nevertheless it can be determined when it is useful to ventilate. Especially with regard to Covid and other cold viruses.
As housing a Led Illuminated marking field was used. This is available in many variations among others with letters.
In the code you have to declare if you want to use the Wifi.
If the wifi is active, the SSID, wifi password and the MQTT parameters must be entered. (See comments config)
To get started:If your ESP dosent have Micropython
Install Micropython on the ESP32
a good tutorial about it :
I prefer Thonny with Micropython addons
In the you have to enter the following under ####Config###
The parameters for Wifi and Mqtt can be adjusted.If Wifi should not be used set wifi_enable = False.
####config start#######
#config Wifi
wifi_enable = True #True or False
wifi_ssid = "yourSSID"
wifi_password = "yourPassword"
#config MQTT
mqtt_client = "yourClientName"
mqtt_broker = "yourBrokerIP"
mqtt_user = "yourMqttUser"
mqtt_password = "yourMqttPassword"
mqtt_port = 1883
#def MQTT Topic
topic_co2 = b"home/livingroom/co2"
topic_tvoc = b"home/livingroom/tvoc"
topic_temp = b"home/livingroom/temperature"
topic_humidity = b"home/livingroom/humidity"
topic_press = b"home/livingroom/pressure"
####config end#######
Import the and the libraries,, to the board.
Switch off the board and connect the parts to the board.
Connect CCS811, BME280 to 3.3V / GND / SCL pin 13 /SDA pin 5
Connect neopixel to 5V / GND / Pin 19
Connect TM1637 7Digit to 3, 3V / GND / CLK Pin 17 /DIO Pin 18
A beautiful housing with a translucent front makes it very nice for living rooms.
That's it.
Now connect the board via a Powerbank or USB power supply. The sensor now shows the air quality as a traffic light and the temperature as a value and sends the data via Mqtt to the broker. If the traffic light is red you should ventilate. If the light is yellow it is ok, if it is green the air quality is good.
Attention the CCS811 sensor needs a BurnIn for 24h when it is new. Also after switching off the sensor it needs about 30 min until the data has settled down.
Have fun with the sensor traffic light and stay healthy
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