OLED Display (SSD1306): Used to display the Tetris game. Buttons: Three buttons are used to control the movement direction and rotation of the blocks. Arduino Development Board (MAGE328P): Serves as the control unit. Circuit Connections: SSD1306 OLED Display: VCC is connected to Arduino's 5V. GND is connected to Arduino's GND. SCL is connected to Arduino's A5 (SCL). SDA is connected to Arduino's A4 (SDA). Buttons: One pin of each button is connected to an Arduino digital input pin. The other pin is connected to GND.
To eliminate bouncing, a 10kΩ pull-up resistor can be added between the button and GND.
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DescriptionCode Analysis and Explanation- Include Library Files: At the beginning of the program, three library files are included for graphic display, control of the OLED display, and I2C communication.
- Define Constants: Constants are defined for the size of the OLED display, the width and height of the grid, the pixel size of the blocks, and other constants.
- Define Tetris Shapes: Seven different Tetris shapes are defined using a two-dimensional array.
- Game Grid and Variable Initialization: A boolean two-dimensional array
is defined to represent the game grid, as well as the current block's position, shape, and rotation state. setup()
Function: Initializes serial communication, I2C communication, and the OLED display, and sets the button modes to input pull-up.loop()
Function: The main loop of the program, responsible for checking if the game is over, handling user input, moving the block, and drawing the game frame.drawFrame()
Function: Clears the display and draws the game grid and the current block.drawShape()
Function: Draws the block based on its position, shape, and rotation state.drawGrid()
Function: Draws the game grid.moveShapeDown()
Function: Moves the block down, and if a collision occurs, it fixes the block and checks if a line is completed.checkCollision()
Function: Checks for collisions after the block is moved.fixShape()
Function: Fixes the block onto the game grid.newShape()
Function: Generates a new block.handleInput()
Function: Handles user button input, including left move, right move, and rotation.checkLines()
Function: Checks and clears completed lines.isGameOver()
Function: Checks if the game is over.rotateShape()
Function: Rotates the block.
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