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Update HTTPS Redirect V2.0 ESP8266 & Google Spreadsheet

In previous tests we made the communication of an ESP8266 module and bidirectional sending of data to a Google SpreadSheet.

AdvancedWork in progress4 hours10,186
Update HTTPS Redirect V2.0 ESP8266 & Google Spreadsheet

Things used in this project

Hardware components

NodeMCU ESP8266 Breakout Board
NodeMCU ESP8266 Breakout Board

Software apps and online services

Google Sheets
Google Sheets


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No require Connections

No require Connections


HTTPS Redirect (Version 2.0)

This library extends the WiFiClientSecure library (Ivan-github). HTTPSRedirect uses the header information in the server's reply to a HTTP GET or POST request, and follows the re-direction URL by making another suitable GET request. In many cases, it is this re-directed URL which would present the final data that was required. HTTPSRedirect implements a novel HTTP client with follow-redirects which can directly work with many web services (including Google Sheets, Calendar, Drive) without the need for 3rd party services like IFTTT, Temboo, Pushingbox, Thingspeak, Xively, etc.


9 projects • 16 followers
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