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Hacking Qualcomm (Quick Charge) QC 2.0/3.0 With ATtiny85

Get not only 5 volts but also 9, 12 volts (18 Watts max) out of any QC-compatible charger/power bank for supplying power hungry projects.

IntermediateFull instructions provided5 hours45,531
Hacking Qualcomm (Quick Charge) QC 2.0/3.0 With ATtiny85

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Microchip ATtiny85
SparkFun LM1117 3.3V Regulator
SparkFun USB Male A
Resistor 10k ohm
Resistor 10k ohm
Resistor 2.21k ohm
Resistor 2.21k ohm
Arduino Proto Shield
Arduino Proto Shield
Pushbutton switch 12mm
SparkFun Pushbutton switch 12mm
QC Power Bank or Charger
Generic Jumper (0.1")
Generic Jumper (0.1")
Male-Header 36 Position 1 Row- Long (0.1")
Male-Header 36 Position 1 Row- Long (0.1")
Resistor 0.05 ohm
Resistor 0.05 ohm
Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
Male/Female Jumper Wires
Male/Female Jumper Wires
LED (generic)
LED (generic)
Resistor 22.1k ohm
Resistor 22.1k ohm

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)


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QC Hack



ATtiny85 Code

QC Controller
///========================= Algorithm ========================/// 

  First, Connect the D+ pin to a voltage 0.325 to 2 volts and keep the D- floating, then wait at least 2 seconds.

  Two actions happen during this 2 seconds:

  The D+ and D- voltage equal a voltage between 0.325 to 2 volts for 1.25 seconds.
  (because the D+ and D- pins connect together inside the CHY100 at first)

  Then the D+ keeps at a voltage between 0.325 to 2 volts and the D- voltage decrease to zero.
  (because the D+ and D- pins disconnect and a resistor inside the CHY100 discharges the D-)*** CHY100 is a QC 2.0 Protocol interface chip inside Power bank/charger ........ other QC 2.0 chips are probably similar 

  Make D+ above 3.0 V first and then connect the D- to a voltage between 0.325 to 2 volts. The VBUS jumps to 9V.

  While keeping the D- connection with a voltage between 0.325 to 2 volts,make D+  a voltage between 0.325 to 2 volts.
  The VBUS jumps to 12V. (because the D+ and D- voltage are between 2V and 0.325V)

  Disconnect the D+ from a voltage between 0.325 to 2 volts . VBUS jumps to 5V, Because the QC2.0 exits Voltage changing
  mode and VBUS goes to the default value 5V. start from beginning when needing to enter QC2.0 again)
//  ============  IMPORTANT NOTE ================  //

// *** Sequence of making pins HIGH and LOW is important
// *** If D+ falls below 0.325V during transition because of wrong GPIO Switching Sequence
// *** QC 2.0 will exit High Voltage Mode and VBUS will go back to 5 Volts 

//  ==============================================  //

#define PUSH_SWITCH 0
#define Dp_2k2 4
#define Dp_10k 3
#define Dn_2k2 2
#define Dn_10k 1

int Press_Detect = 0;

void setup()
  // Now Initiating QC Handshake by making D+ 0.6 v keeping D- at Gnd

void loop()
  //// 5V ////
  while (digitalRead(PUSH_SWITCH) == 1)
  //// 9v ////
  while (digitalRead(PUSH_SWITCH) == 1)

  //// 12v ////
  while (digitalRead(PUSH_SWITCH) == 1)
//  Set_5V();

///********************** Functions **********************///

void Init_QC()
  //pinMode(Dn_2k2, INPUT);
  //pinMode(Dn_10k, INPUT);

  pinMode(Dp_2k2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(Dp_10k, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(Dp_2k2, LOW);
  digitalWrite(Dp_10k, HIGH);

  // now QC protocol is active


void Set_9V()
  pinMode(Dp_2k2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(Dp_10k, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(Dp_10k, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(Dp_2k2, HIGH);
  pinMode(Dn_2k2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(Dn_10k, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(Dn_2k2, LOW);
  digitalWrite(Dn_10k, HIGH);

void Set_12V()
  pinMode(Dp_2k2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(Dp_10k, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(Dn_2k2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(Dn_10k, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(Dn_2k2, LOW);
  digitalWrite(Dn_10k, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(Dp_10k, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(Dp_2k2, LOW);

void Set_5V()
  pinMode(Dp_2k2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(Dp_10k, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(Dp_10k, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(Dp_2k2, LOW);
  pinMode(Dn_2k2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(Dn_10k, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(Dn_2k2, LOW);
  digitalWrite(Dn_10k, LOW);


void Set_20V()
// change Voltage Regulator !!!
// do at your own risk 


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"What Kills a 'Great life' is a 'Good Life', which is Living a Life Inside While Loop"
Thanks to Hugatry.


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