This project will keep you aware about leakage of water from pipe or tank. Leaks from pipes, plumbing fixtures and fittings are a significant source of water waste for many households. Research has shown that the typical home can lose 2,000 to 20,000 gallons of water per year due to leaks. Some leaks are obvious, such as dripping faucets and leaking water heaters. Unfortunately, many leaks go undetected for years because the source of the leak is not visible.
Step 1: Power SupplyHere we will use 9v battery for power supply. We will need 7805 voltage regulator IC to get 9V. Then from 7805 IC, feed it to Arduino.
Step 2: Connecting ESP266 and powering itConnect the Arduino’s 3v3 (3.3V) output to ESP8266. The ESP8266 works with 3.3V and not 5V, so this is necessary.
Step 3: Connect RX and TXConnect the RXD pin of the Arduino to the RX pin of the ESP8266.Connect the TXD pin of the Arduino to the TX pin of the ESP. When we want two things to talk to each other over serial, we connect the TX pin of one to the RX of the other (send goes to receive and the opposite). Here we do not have the Arduino talk to the ESP8266 though, our computer is talking to it via the Arduino.
Step 4: GND and RSTConnect the RES or RESET pin, When you ground the reset pin, the Arduino works as a dumb USB to serial connector, which is what we want to talk to the ESP8266.
Step 5: Connecting Water Leak SensorNext we connect Ardino and water sensor. We connect Arduino VCC and GND to water sensor VCC and GND. Arduino digital Pin 2 is connected to digital out pin of water sensor.
Now Upload Code.
Step 6: EasyIOT ServerWe have To make Our IOT Server which Can be found on link here:
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