This project is about a bracelet that can help anyone to perceive an obstacle through a small vibration.
In my house I had some components that I used for this project, and I did not know what to do with them, so I thought about how those components can help someone or how they could improve something and after a while of thinking about what to do with them. I realized that it was a good idea to make a bracelet that identifies an obstacle, for people who can not perceive them.
Then I searched the Internet for a bit of this, and I seen many people who did similar projects, with the same goal, and I thought it was great to do it with a different and low cost perspective.
It works in a very simple way. The ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 connected to the arduino emits a wave, this wave when hitting an obstacle returns and receives the sensor, by means of this we can obtain the distance to which this is an obstacle of the sensor and we program it so that in a range from one certain distance, the vibrator motor will turn on and vibrate.
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