Covering everything you need to set up a smooth and responsive media center using Raspberry Pi 5 – without overcomplicating things.
Run marauder firmware on M5Stick-C and get yourself the smallest marauder hardware
This unit plus App gives a complete DCC controller with features that beat more expensive systems. The original project is updated here.
This is my first Arduino-based, Bluetooth-controlled RC car. It is controlled by a smart phone application.
This unit plus App gives a complete DCC controller with features that beat more expensive systems.
Want to display text? Here is your component!
Amazon's Alexa is boring, so we gave it some animatronic eyes and a CRT mouth. Now my kids won't leave it alone!
Grate to have and envoy with friends. Made compact so you take it with you on the go.
Online Attendance System using RFID Module and PHP&MYSQL Only. Utility for all type of attendance requirements. Useful for online tracking
In this tutorial, I will show you how to install the dark theme for your Arduino IDE for the reason of overexposure to the screen light.
Full Fledged Attendance system which will prompt a free message on user mobile when his attendance will be marked using RFID Tag.
Costs around $120 USD (incredibly cheap compared to competitors) and uses easy-to-find components.
Host a Telegram Bot on your Arduino and chat with your brand new IoT device!
Learn how to communicate and send data over Bluetooth using an HC-05 module and an Arduino board.
Use Python to communicate between Arduino.
This tutorial will help you to replace other transceiver modules for any other project that includes wireless communication.
I'll show you, how to monitor some hardware variables.
ESP8266 ESP-01 chip provides a really low cost and effective way to communicate over the internet.
Send Arduino101 IMU data over BLE to your mobile device with Evothings and smoothie charts!
Long-range wireless sensor based on Whisper Node capable of running for over a year on a single CR2032, transmitting data every 60 seconds.
Now you don't have to remember any of your passwords, and they are still safe and ready to use!
A mini CNC 2D plotter made from old DVD drive and L293D motor shield. Very cheap but interesting. It can draw any image uploaded from PC.
This project will show you how to make with Arduino and 16X2 LCD real time display from your computer.
Translation of Morse code to text.