This project is based on the applications of the internet of things (IOT). I have used Bolt WiFi module to connect and send data to the Bolt cloud. This WiFi module is connected to the temperature sensor and a power supplying device. This setup will sense the surrounding temperature, detect anomalies, predict data and send an alert (e-mail) to the user by using mailgun's services whenever an anomaly is detected. This will help the user to monitor any temperature based machine continuously and detect and predict any anomaly.
Hardware required- The Bolt WiFi module
- 3 female to male wire
- Temperature Sensor: LM35 sensor
- 5V Cable of DC adapter
Hold the sensor in a manner such that you can read LM35 written on it.
1. Set up the connections as required using the Bolt WiFi module, a temperature sensor and a set of male to female connecting wires as shown below.
2. Connect this module to the system and set it up in the Bolt website.
3. Configure the device and set up hardware settings.
4. Type the program required to run the polynomial regression algorithm on the data sent by the Bolt.
5. Save the code and ensure that the connected device is online
6. Place the system inside the fridge and close the door but ensure the connection continues.
7. Open PuTTy and type the code for the credentials for email details, API key device ID etc.
8. Type the code for the program as follows
9. Implement the code to obtain output
10. Check the obtained graph in the Bolt website
11. It was coded in the program to send alert (email) when an anamoly is detected.Below is the screenshot of the alert recieved in the mail inbox.
Thank You