Wouldn't it be fun to make your own Hologram? Just like in Star Wars movies. What if I can control it like rotate and resize?
Here's an experimental project in Augmented Reality using Littlebits Cloudbit as Controller. I used LittleBits to rotate Darth Sidious.
It's just an experiment to find a way to rotate a 3d object using a simple slide controller.
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Step 1: Create the Controller
I printed a StormTrooper image and tape to the glove. This will serve as the Marker for the Augmented Reality App.
Use the Littlebits Slider bit and Littlebit Wireless transmitter. Add Power. This will serve as the controller for the hologram
Step 2: Connect Littlebits Wireless receiver to cloudbit. Add Power. This will connect the controller to the Cloud where the Augmented Reality App would receive the signal.
Step 3:Create an Augmented Reality App on your phone using Unity3d
I downloaded the Darth Sidious Model at
I converted it to fbx file to be used in Unity3d. I used this software.
Here's a good tutorial how to create Augmented Reality in Unity3d. Thanks to Edgaras Art
Here's an asset in unity3d that connects to websockets, that's what I used to connect to the cloudbit https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/8959 - To save some money, I actually compiled the open source websocket-sharp.dll and include it to my project -http://sta.github.io/websocket-sharp/
- You may also need to copy Newtonsoft.Json dlls to your project. I copied it under Plugins folder.
Here's the code I used
I attached this a new GameObject called Littlebits, attached the c# code to that and make sure identify Access Token, Device ID, Darth Target GameObject.
Here's how you can export an Augmented Reality project to an Android Phone
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