J.A.R.V.I.S. is a personal home automation assistant for controlling electrical home appliances integrated with an augmented reality app.
Touchless keypad such as ATM, Gas station, Store self checkout to prevent spread of COVID-19.
A smart and fast GPU 3D scanner with Jetson Nano and Intel depth sensor. Metrically accurate RGBD 3D scanner and instant 3D reconstruction.
Developing discovery-based learning applications
A less than 10$ distraction-less, augmented reality development kit which allows you to experiment with both the software and hardware.
Build your own free Magic Leap 1 COVID-19 Detection System. This project uses Magic Leap 1, TensorFlow, Unity & Raspberry Pi 4.
Execute Order 66 Augmented Reality App using Littlebits Cloudbit as Controller for the hologram. I used LittleBits to rotate Darth Sidious.
Many of us would have used a VR headset and seen AR HoloLens ($3000). I made one AR headset from scrap.
Explore augmented reality on Ultra96-V2 by adding computer generated graphics to the live USB camera video stream.
Combining the power of Littlebits with Augmented Reality, this project creates a head moving talking Augmented Reality Robot.
A tiny, low-cost, and scalable device for sub-millimetric 3D positioning.
Teach children about the solar system with augmented reality and a board game.
Why have a real light switch when you could have a virtual one?
Control your LightSaber with Littlebits! Mixing real world gadgets with virtual reality tools.
This is fun project to demonstrate an integration of IoT sensor data on augmented reality dashboard using Unity and Vuforia.
Try out the cool Tamaguino Dino Virtual Pet Tamagotchi pet clone for the Arduino the easy way. With mixed reality virtual hardware by VBB!
Sentinel was designed to provide a subtle reminder not to touch your face.
In Hololens, overlay as-built BIM model over Real World. Turn on/off content. IoT Integration for temperature, light switch and fan switch.
Let's use the power of Microsoft Cognitive Services Vision API and do Object Recognition in Hololens.
When AVR meets AR and Arduino is combined with Google's Project Tango, an autonomous wheelchair is born to help improve millions of lives!
Using Gesture sensor to control an Augmented Reality Dinosaur then get teleported to the world of Dinosaurs in Virtual Reality. Stay close.
ATM in Augmented reality for ease use.
This video goes through the process of making an augmented reality app with Unity 3D and the Vuforia plugin for use with Pokemon cards.
Portal Game in Augmented reality.