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Rudra Lad
Published © GPL3+

7 Segment LED display driver with Ada on STM32F4 Discovery

A simple display driver for 7 Segment LED displays of any arbitary number of digits, controlled directly using GPIOs. programmed in Ada.

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7 Segment LED display driver with Ada on STM32F4 Discovery

Things used in this project

Hardware components

STMicroelectronics STM32F407 Discovery
7 Segment LED Display, Red
7 Segment LED Display, Red
Male Header 40 Position 1 Row (0.1")
Male Header 40 Position 1 Row (0.1")

Software apps and online services

GNAT Community
AdaCore GNAT Community

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)
Solder Wire, Lead Free
Solder Wire, Lead Free
Premium Female/Female Jumper Wires, 40 x 6"
Premium Female/Female Jumper Wires, 40 x 6"


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seven segement display schematic

circuit diagram of seven segment units connected together to create a display.



The GNAT Project file
with "../../../boards/stm32f407_discovery/stm32f407_discovery_full.gpr";

project seven_seg_tasking extends "../../shared/common/common.gpr" is

  for Runtime ("Ada") use STM32F407_Discovery_Full'Runtime ("Ada");
  for Target use "arm-eabi";
  for Main use ("seven_segs_test.adb");
  for Languages use ("Ada");
  for Source_Dirs use ("src");
  for Object_Dir use "obj";
  for Create_Missing_Dirs use "True";
  package Linker is
     for Default_Switches ("Ada") use ("-Wl,--print-memory-usage");
  end Linker;

  package Compiler renames STM32F407_Discovery_Full.Compiler;

end seven_seg_tasking;


with display_value;              pragma Unreferenced (display_value);
with display_task;               pragma Unreferenced (display_task);
--  These packages contains the task that actually controls the app so
--  although it is not referenced directly in the main procedure, we need it
--  in the closure of the context clauses so that it will be included in the
--  executable.

with Last_Chance_Handler;  pragma Unreferenced (Last_Chance_Handler);
--  The "last chance handler" is the user-defined routine that is called when
--  an exception is propagated. We need it in the executable, therefore it
--  must be somewhere in the closure of the context clauses.

with System;

procedure seven_segs_test is
    pragma Priority (System.Priority'First);
    end loop;
end seven_segs_test;


package body display_value is

    task body send_data is

        num_tx := -5.2;

        infinite_loop :

            num_tx := num_tx + 0.1;

            store_data.put_data (num_tx);

            delay until Clock + Milliseconds (1000);
        end loop infinite_loop;

    end send_data;

end display_value;


with display_config;    use display_config;
with Ada.Real_Time;      use Ada.Real_Time;
with display_driver;    use display_driver;
with display_po; use display_po;
with System;

package display_task is

    pragma Elaborate_Body;

    temp_integer : Constant Integer := 5;

    my_display : constant display_parameters := (decimal_point => real_no, signed_number => signed_no, Fore_digits => 3, Aft_digits => 1); 

    string_representation_data : String( 1 .. output_string_length(my_display) ) := (Others => ' ');
    raw_data : Float := 0.0;
    procedure My_Delay (Milliz : Natural);

    task display_data is
        pragma Priority (System.Priority(15));
    end display_data;

end display_task;


package body display_task is

    procedure My_Delay (Milliz : Natural) is
        delay until Clock + Milliseconds (Milliz);
    end My_Delay;

    task body display_data is
        delay_digit_show : constant Natural := 5;
        --not required.
        --delay_digit_sweep : constant Natural := 1;


            -- read the number to be displayed.
            raw_data := store_data.get_data;

            -- convert it to the string for ease of manipulation further.
            string_representation_data := to_display_string(raw_data, my_display);

            -- generate a frame containing boolean status for each segment for each digit.

            -- now display on the seven segment display.
            sweep_digits :
            for i in digit_anodes'Range loop

                sweep_segments :
                for j in seven_segs'Range loop
                    if (current_frame(i, j) = True) then
                    end if;

                end loop sweep_segments;


            end loop sweep_digits; 

        end loop beyond_infinity;

    end display_data;

    procedure display_init_state is
        all_digits_off :
        for i in digit_anodes'Range loop
        end loop all_digits_off;

        all_segments_off :
        for i in seven_segs'Range loop
        end loop all_segments_off;

    end display_init_state;

    procedure Initialize_devices is
    end Initialize_devices;



end display_task;


with STM32.Device;  use STM32.Device;
with STM32.GPIO;    use STM32.GPIO;
with Ravenscar_Time;

package display_config is

    pragma Elaborate_Body;

    -- Hardware mapping

    subtype segment_pin is GPIO_Point;
    subtype common_pin is GPIO_Point;

    Segment_a : segment_pin renames PA0;
    Segment_b : segment_pin renames PA1;
    Segment_c : segment_pin renames PA2;
    Segment_d : segment_pin renames PA3;
    Segment_e : segment_pin renames PA4;
    Segment_f : segment_pin renames PA5;
    -- Not using the PA6 as, experienced some issues with this pin when used as GPIO.
    --Segment_g : segment_pin renames PA6;
    Segment_g : segment_pin renames PC5;
    Segment_dp : segment_pin renames PA7;

    anode_1 : common_pin renames PE7;
    anode_2 : common_pin renames PE8;
    anode_3 : common_pin renames PE9;
    anode_4 : common_pin renames PE10;
    anode_5 : common_pin renames PE11;

    seven_segs : GPIO_Points := (Segment_a, Segment_b, Segment_c, Segment_d, Segment_e, Segment_f, Segment_g, Segment_dp);

    digit_anodes : GPIO_Points := (anode_1, anode_2, anode_3, anode_4, anode_5);
    procedure Initialize_segments;
    procedure Initialize_digits;

    procedure Segment_Off (This : in out segment_pin) renames STM32.GPIO.Set;
    procedure Segment_On (This : in out segment_pin) renames STM32.GPIO.Clear;

    procedure Digit_On (This : in out common_pin) renames STM32.GPIO.Set;
    procedure Digit_Off (This : in out common_pin) renames STM32.GPIO.Clear;

    -- Digits and Frames

    type digit_subframe is array (1 .. 8) of Boolean;

    frame_0 : constant digit_subframe := ( True, True, True, True, True, True, False, False );
    frame_1 : constant digit_subframe := ( False, True, True, False, False, False, False, False );
    frame_2 : constant digit_subframe := ( True, True, False, True, True, False, True, False ); 
    frame_3 : constant digit_subframe := ( True, True, True, True, False, False, True, False );
    frame_4 : constant digit_subframe := ( False, True, True, False, False, True, True, False );
    frame_5 : constant digit_subframe := ( True, False, True, True, False, True, True, False );
    frame_6 : constant digit_subframe := ( True, False, True, True, True, True, True, False );
    frame_7 : constant digit_subframe := ( True, True, True, False, False, False, False, False );
    frame_8 : constant digit_subframe := ( True, True, True, True, True, True, True, False );
    frame_9 : constant digit_subframe := ( True, True, True, True, False, True, True, False );

    frame_minus_sign : constant digit_subframe := ( False, False, False, False, False, False, True, False );
    frame_plus_sign : constant digit_subframe := ( False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False );
    frame_dot_point : constant digit_subframe := ( False, False, False, False, False, False, False, True );
    frame_blank_digit : constant digit_subframe := ( False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False );

    type subframes is array (Natural range <>) of digit_subframe;
    frames_0_to_9_and_minus_blank : constant subframes(0 .. 11) := (frame_0, frame_1, frame_2, frame_3, frame_4, frame_5, frame_6, frame_7, frame_8, frame_9, frame_minus_sign, frame_blank_digit);

    type frame_buffer is array (1 .. digit_anodes'Length, 1 .. seven_segs'Length) of Boolean;
    current_frame : frame_buffer :=  (Others => (Others => False));

    procedure generate_frame (String_data : in String);

end display_config;


with Ada.Real_Time; use Ada.Real_Time;
with STM32.Setup;

package body display_config is

    procedure Initialize_segments is
        Enable_Clock (seven_segs);

            Resistors   => Floating,
            Output_Type => Push_Pull,
            Speed       => Speed_100MHz));
    end Initialize_segments;

    procedure Initialize_digits is
        Enable_Clock (digit_anodes);

            Resistors   => Floating,
            Output_Type => Push_Pull,
            Speed       => Speed_100MHz));
    end Initialize_digits;

    procedure generate_frame (String_data : in String) is
        index_offset : Integer;
        current_char : Character;
        lookup_index : Integer;

        index_offset := 0;

        edit_buffer :
        for index_anode in current_frame'Range(1) loop
            if ( ( String_data(index_anode) = '.') and not (index_anode = 1) ) then
                index_offset := 1;
                -- code to add True for the dot point to previous digit.
                current_frame(index_anode - 1 , 8 ) := True;
            end if;

            current_char := String_data(index_anode + index_offset);

            case current_char is
                when  '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9' =>
                    lookup_index := Character'Pos(current_char) - 48;
                when '-' =>
                    lookup_index := 10;
                when Others =>
                    lookup_index := 11;
            end case;
            for index_segment in current_frame'Range(2) loop

                current_frame(index_anode, index_segment) := frames_0_to_9_and_minus_blank (lookup_index) (index_segment);

            end loop edit_digit;

        end loop edit_buffer;

    end generate_frame;

end display_config;


package display_driver is

    type signed_display is (signed_no, unsigned_no);

    type precision_display is (integer_no, real_no);

    type display_parameters(decimal_point : precision_display) is limited

            signed_number : signed_display;
            Fore_digits : Positive;

            case decimal_point is
                when real_no =>
                    Aft_digits : Positive;
                when Others =>
            end case;

        end record;

    function output_string_length (display_var : in display_parameters) return Integer;

    function lossless_integer (raw_float : in float; display_var : in display_parameters) return Integer;

    function get_max_possible_integer (display_var : in display_parameters) return Integer;

    function get_min_possible_integer (display_var : in display_parameters) return Integer;

    -- Just in case if you want to limit the max or min values,
    -- even if your display is capable of going beyond that.
    -- for example, pitch_angle is limited to -90.0 .. +90.0
    -- however, same display can display in range -99.9 .. +99.9 
    --function get_max_constrained_integer (display_var : in display_parameters) return Integer;

    function constrain_Integer (unconstrained_int : in Integer; display_var : in display_parameters) return Integer;

    function get_final_integer (raw_float : in float; display_var : in display_parameters) return Integer;

    function to_display_string (raw_float : in float; display_var : in display_parameters) return String;

end display_driver;


package body display_driver is

    function output_string_length (display_var : in display_parameters) return Integer is
        string_len : Integer := 0;
        string_len := string_len + display_var.Fore_digits;
        if (display_var.signed_number = signed_no) then
            string_len := string_len + 1;
        end if;

        if (display_var.decimal_point = real_no) then
            string_len := string_len + 1 + display_var.Aft_digits;
        end if;

        return string_len;
    end output_string_length;

    -- conversion of float to integer such that, no significant digits are lost.
    -- conversion based on the significant digits displayed by display.
    function lossless_integer (raw_float : in float; display_var : in display_parameters) return Integer is
        integer_representation : Integer;
        power_of_10 : Integer;
        if (display_var.decimal_point = real_no) then
            power_of_10 := display_var.Aft_digits;
            power_of_10 := 0;
        end if;

        integer_representation := Integer (raw_float * (10.0 ** power_of_10 ) );

        return integer_representation;
    end lossless_integer;

    -- get the lossless integer representation of biggest number,
    -- which can be displayed on display.
    function get_max_possible_integer (display_var : in display_parameters) return Integer is
        max_int : Integer;
        power_of_10 : Integer;
        power_of_10 := display_var.Fore_digits;

        if (display_var.decimal_point = real_no) then
            power_of_10 := power_of_10 + display_var.Aft_digits;
        end if;

        max_int := ( ( 10 ** power_of_10 ) - 1 );

        return max_int;
    end get_max_possible_integer;

    function get_min_possible_integer (display_var : in display_parameters) return Integer is
        min_int : Integer;
        power_of_10 : Integer;
        power_of_10 := display_var.Fore_digits;

        if (display_var.signed_number = signed_no) then
            if (display_var.decimal_point = real_no) then
                power_of_10 := power_of_10 + display_var.Aft_digits;
            end if;

            min_int := - ( ( 10 ** power_of_10 ) - 1 );
            min_int := 0;
        end if;

        return min_int;
    end get_min_possible_integer;

    function constrain_Integer (unconstrained_int : in Integer; display_var : in display_parameters) return Integer is
        bracketed_int : Integer;
        max_int : Integer;
        min_int : Integer;
        max_int := get_max_possible_integer(display_var);
        min_int := get_min_possible_integer(display_var);

        if (unconstrained_int > max_int) then
            bracketed_int := max_int;
        elsif (unconstrained_int < min_int) then
            bracketed_int := min_int;
            bracketed_int := unconstrained_int;
        end if;

        return bracketed_int;
    end constrain_Integer;

    function get_final_integer (raw_float : in float; display_var : in display_parameters) return Integer is
        Integer_representation_data : Integer;
        constrained_integer_data : Integer;

        Integer_representation_data := lossless_integer(raw_float, display_var);

        constrained_integer_data := constrain_Integer(Integer_representation_data, display_var);

        return constrained_integer_data;
    end get_final_integer;

    function to_display_string (raw_float : in float; display_var : in display_parameters) return String is
        str_out : String( 1 .. output_string_length(display_var)) := (Others => ' ');
        sign_len : Integer;
        Fore_len : Integer;
        decimal_len : Integer;
        Aft_len : Integer;
        is_negative : Boolean;
        final_integer : Integer;
        final_integer_abs : Integer;
        Fore_num : Integer;
        Aft_num : Integer := 0;
        index_to_update : Integer;
        value_to_update : Integer;


        if (display_var.signed_number = signed_no) then
            sign_len := 1;
            sign_len := 0;
        end if;

        Fore_len := display_var.Fore_digits;

        if (display_var.decimal_point = real_no) then
            decimal_len := 1;
            Aft_len := display_var.Aft_digits;
            decimal_len := 0;
            Aft_len := 0;
        end if;

        final_integer := get_final_integer(raw_float, display_var);

        if (final_integer < 0) then
            is_negative := True;
            final_integer_abs := -final_integer;
            is_negative := False;
            final_integer_abs := final_integer;
        end if;

        Fore_num := (final_integer_abs) / (10 ** Aft_len);

        -- required this check because if Aft_len = 0
        -- then it will result in "mod with zero divisor"
        -- which fails Constraint_Check.
        if (Aft_len > 0) then
            Aft_num := (final_integer_abs) mod (10 ** Aft_len);
        end if;

        -- now start filling the string_frame

        -- First is the sign of number.
        if (sign_len = 1) then
            index_to_update := sign_len;
            if (is_negative) then
                str_out(index_to_update) := '-';
                str_out(index_to_update) := '+';
            end if;
        end if;

        -- then the digits before the decimal point
        before_decimal_point :
        for i in Integer range 1 .. Fore_len loop
            index_to_update := (Fore_len + sign_len) - (i - 1);
            value_to_update := (Fore_num) mod (10);
            Fore_num := (Fore_num) / (10);
            str_out(index_to_update) := Character'Val(48 + value_to_update);
        end loop before_decimal_point;

        -- fill decimal point and digits after decimal point
        -- only if the number is real_no 
        if (decimal_len = 1) then
            -- decimal point first
            index_to_update := sign_len + Fore_len + decimal_len;
            str_out(index_to_update) := '.';

            -- at last the digits after the decimal point.
            for j in Integer range 1 .. Aft_len loop
                index_to_update := (str_out'Length) - (j - 1);
                value_to_update := (Aft_num) mod (10);
                Aft_num := (Aft_num) / (10);
                str_out(index_to_update) := Character'Val(48 + value_to_update);
            end loop after_decimal_point;
        end if;

        return str_out;

    end to_display_string;

end display_driver;


with System;

package display_po is

    protected store_data is
        function get_data return Float;
        procedure put_data(num_rx : in Float);
        pragma Priority (System.Priority(20));
        current_data : Float;
    end store_data;

end display_po;


package body display_po is

    protected body store_data is
        function get_data return Float is
            return current_data;
        end get_data;

        procedure put_data(num_rx : in Float) is
            current_data := num_rx;
        end put_data;

    end store_data;

end display_po;


with display_po; use display_po;
with Ada.Real_Time;      use Ada.Real_Time;
with System;

package display_value is

    num_tx : Float;

    task send_data is
        pragma Priority (System.Priority(18));
    end send_data;

end display_value;


Rudra Lad

Rudra Lad

7 projects • 14 followers
