Building a Ubuntu LTS configuration for the UDOO Quad
This tutorial walks through an application that reads/writes data to DDR memory from the Linux userspace on the Zynq-based Arty Z7 FPGA.
Let's develop step by step a project for controlling and programming a robotic arm, simulating the basic functions of an industrial robot.
Not all imaging systems need to be expensive. Solutions can be created using cost optimized FPGA and CMOS image sensors directly.
Bring up a base hardware design in Vivado and Vitis on the Eclypse Z7 with PMOD and ZMOD support.
Running FreeRTOS kernel on STM32F103C8T6 aka "Blue Pill" with the help of Keil uVision IDE from ARM Keil.
Experiences and benchmarks with SATA drives on the UDOO.
solid plastic servo operated robot gripper.
Detect spoiled products using the Tiny Machine Learning approach.
See how to generate a custom embedded Linux image for the Arty Z7 using PetaLinux 2020.2.
This tutorial will show how to add your own custom IP to SDSoC system and have it integrated with PetaLinux.
Using TFT LCD Display 2.8" with STM32 through SPI communication.
Tiny Wireless IMUz (motion sensor)
Using the Arm DesignStart FPGA Cortex-M3 to control a simple wheeled robot. Also known as getting started with DesignStart FPGA & Cortex-M3.
How to build a device for estimating blood alcohol content from a breath sample. Developed with Zerynth and an ARM board.
Take full advantage of Xilinx's Zynq FPGA chip by running both of its dual ARM cores simultaneously.
1000 of K82 Freedom Boards are collecting dust because of the hobbyist unfriendly IDE; pump up the duds with easy Arduino-like functions.
The Cortex-M1 is ideal for implementations in low-cost FPGA Spartan 7 devices. Let's look at an example project.
This project walks through how to create a basic Hello World project for the Zynq-based Arty Z7 in the new Vitis Unified IDE.
Portable, Bluetooth, voice-controlled claw device for drone! Easy to build, cheap, and made out of recycled materials!
A low-cost DIY programming adapter.
hRobot is an open source, connected, 3D-printable robotic arm, powered by ROS, with 500g lift capacity.
Build you own Robot arm to grab objects with just 3 servos and one Arduino UNO!
A breadboard-friendly STM32F0 development board with added USB2Serial, RGB LED, 7ch hi-sink driver and a simple one-button boot mode.