Published © GPL3+

Elliot the Line Follower Robot

A PID controlled line follower robot, named Elliot.

IntermediateShowcase (no instructions)20,171
Elliot the Line Follower Robot

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
Dual H-Bridge motor drivers L298
SparkFun Dual H-Bridge motor drivers L298
9V battery (generic)
9V battery (generic)
9V Battery Clip
9V Battery Clip
6V NiMh 2000mAh rechargeable battery
Solderless Breadboard Half Size
Solderless Breadboard Half Size
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
IR Sensors
I used 5 of these
Angle Bracket
Painter's stick
DC motor (generic)
Robot Chassis
I got this on, it also included two geared DC motors.
Caster wheel
Electrical tape
A whole bunch of this...


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PID Line Follower Robot Schematic

Sorry if this is not the best diagram/schematic, and if you have any questions about the IR sensor wiring I'd be happy to help. The reason for this is I had trouble finding IR sensor modules on Fritzing.


PID Line Follower Robot Code

float pTerm, iTerm, dTerm;
int error;
int previousError;
float kp = 11; //11
float ki = 0;
float kd = 11; //11
float output;
int integral, derivative;
int irSensors[] = {13, 12, 11, 8, 7}; //IR sensor pins
int irReadings[5];
int motor1Forward = A0;
int motor1Backward = A1;
int motor1pwmPin = 5;
int motor2Forward = A3;
int motor2Backward = A2;
int motor2pwmPin = 3;
int motor1newSpeed;
int motor2newSpeed;
int motor2Speed = 70; //Default 70
int motor1Speed = 120; //Default 120

void setup() {
  //Declare all IR sensors as inputs
  for (int pin = 0; pin < 5; pin++) {
    int pinNum = irSensors[pin];
    pinMode(pinNum, INPUT);
  pinMode(motor1Forward, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(motor1Backward, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(motor1pwmPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(motor2Forward, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(motor2Backward, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(motor2pwmPin, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
  //Put all of our functions here

void readIRSensors() {
  //Read the IR sensors and put the readings in irReadings array
  for (int pin = 0; pin < 5; pin++) {
    int pinNum = irSensors[pin];
    irReadings[pin] = digitalRead(pinNum);

void calculateError() {
  //Determine an error based on the readings
  if ((irReadings[0] == 0) && (irReadings[1] == 0) && (irReadings[2] == 0) && (irReadings[3] == 0) && (irReadings[4] == 1)) {
    error = 4;
  } else if ((irReadings[0] == 0) && (irReadings[1] == 0) && (irReadings[2] == 0) && (irReadings[3] == 1) && (irReadings[4] == 1)) {
    error = 3;
  } else if ((irReadings[0] == 0) && (irReadings[1] == 0) && (irReadings[2] == 0) && (irReadings[3] == 1) && (irReadings[4] == 0)) {
    error = 2;
  } else if ((irReadings[0] == 0) && (irReadings[1] == 0) && (irReadings[2] == 1) && (irReadings[3] == 1) && (irReadings[4] == 0)) {
    error = 1;
  } else if ((irReadings[0] == 0) && (irReadings[1] == 0) && (irReadings[2] == 1) && (irReadings[3] == 0) && (irReadings[4] == 0)) {
    error = 0;
  } else if ((irReadings[0] == 0) && (irReadings[1] == 1) && (irReadings[2] == 1) && (irReadings[3] == 0) && (irReadings[4] == 0)) {
    error = -1;
  } else if ((irReadings[0] == 0) && (irReadings[1] == 1) && (irReadings[2] == 0) && (irReadings[3] == 0) && (irReadings[4] == 0)) {
    error = -2;
  } else if ((irReadings[0] == 1) && (irReadings[1] == 1) && (irReadings[2] == 0) && (irReadings[3] == 0) && (irReadings[4] == 0)) {
    error = -3;
  } else if ((irReadings[0] == 1) && (irReadings[1] == 0) && (irReadings[2] == 0) && (irReadings[3] == 0) && (irReadings[4] == 0)) {
    error = -4;
  } else if ((irReadings[0] == 0) && (irReadings[1] == 0) && (irReadings[2] == 0) && (irReadings[3] == 0) && (irReadings[4] == 0)) {
    if (previousError == -4) {
      error = -5;
    } else {
      error = 5;
  } else if ((irReadings[0] == 1) && (irReadings[1] == 1) && (irReadings[2] == 1) && (irReadings[3] == 1) && (irReadings[4] == 1)) {
    error = 0;

void pidCalculations() {
  pTerm = kp * error;
  integral += error;
  iTerm = ki * integral;
  derivative = error - previousError;
  dTerm = kd * derivative;
  output = pTerm + iTerm + dTerm;
  previousError = error;

void changeMotorSpeed() {
  //Change motor speed of both motors accordingly
  motor2newSpeed = motor2Speed + output;
  motor1newSpeed = motor1Speed - output;
  //Constrain the new speed of motors to be between the range 0-255
  constrain(motor2newSpeed, 0, 255);
  constrain(motor1newSpeed, 0, 255);
  //Set new speed, and run motors in forward direction
  analogWrite(motor2pwmPin, motor2newSpeed);
  analogWrite(motor1pwmPin, motor1newSpeed);
  digitalWrite(motor2Forward, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(motor2Backward, LOW);
  digitalWrite(motor1Forward, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(motor1Backward, LOW);




2 projects • 16 followers
I'm 15 and have much interest in Robotics, and open- source electronics like the Arduino platform.
