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Ernst Sikora
Published © GPL3+

Night Lamp with Atom Lite, Neopixel Strip and IR Remote

This project replaced my daughter's old, broken night lamp. Its main components are: Atom Lite ESP32, neopixel strip, IR unit.

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Night Lamp with Atom Lite, Neopixel Strip and IR Remote

Things used in this project

Hardware components

M5Stack ATOM Lite ESP32 Development Kit
RGB Led Strip
e.g. 1m 30 RGB LED Strip with WS2812B 5050 SMD LEDs
M5Stack Mini Infrared Emitter & Receiver Unit
M5Stack Grove Cable
Seeed Studio Grove - Universal 4 pin connector
IR remote control
Any IR remote control will do. I used one from a stereo sound system.

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE
PlatformIO IDE
PlatformIO IDE
Can be used for this project in combination with Visual Studio Code. Replacement for Arduino IDE
VS Code
Microsoft VS Code
Can be used for this project in combination with PlatformIO IDE. Replacement for Arduino IDE

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)


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Connection cable

Custom cable to connect Led strip and IR receiver to the Atom Lite grove port. Alternatively, one could use e.g. the Seeed Studio Grove Branch Cable (with a slight modification) and the M5Stack RGB LED Flex-strip.


Source code (Arduino IDE)

Source file for Arduino IDE on GitHub

Source code (PlatformIO)

Project for PlaformIO IDE on GitHub


Ernst Sikora
8 projects • 15 followers
I am working as a system engineer for embedded systems. One of my hobbies is to build usable devices based on the Arduino platform.


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