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Sverd Industries
Published © GPL3+

Binary Wrist Watch

Stylish wrist watch that shows time in binary code.

ExpertFull instructions provided10 hours3,631
Binary Wrist Watch

Things used in this project

Hardware components

LED 0603
8 MHz ceramic resonator
0.1uF 0806 capacitor
4.7uF tantalum capacitor
10k ohm 0806 resistor
DS3231 RTC
51k ohm 0806 resistor
CR2032 SMD battery clip
Coin Cell Battery CR2032
Coin Cell Battery CR2032
4.5 mm push button
200 ohm 0806 resistor
Choose values according to LED color. I had success with the red LEDs with values between 39 ohm and 2k ohm
0.8mm thich, produced with a black solder mask or the color of your choice. GERBER files to make your own PCB are provided in step 6
20 mm watch band
Watch band spring bar
38 mm crystal watch glass
Thin wrapping wire
5 cm or 2 in
M2 6 mm flat head screws
M2 hex nut

Hand tools and fabrication machines

USB TTL adapter
Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)
Liquid solder flux
Rubbing alcohol
Flush cutters
Small torx screw driver
High quality 3D printer
I prototyped on a home desktop printer and had the end result professionally made. 3D files provided in step 11


Read more

Custom parts and enclosures

3D Online Viewer


3D Files STL - Thingiverse




GERBER files


Arduino Code - Binary_Wrist_Watch.ino

//-----------LED Settings-----------
const int row[4] = {3, 4, 5, 6};    //pins for A, B, C, D rows in the LED matrix. see drawing in instructions
const int col[4] = {7, 8, 9, 10};   //pins for 1, 2, 3, 4 columns in the LED matrix
byte rowByte[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};     //table that stores and indexes the bytes used to display
int rowCount = 0;       //index used while looping through bytes to display on matrix
int delayTime = 300;    //microseconds. delay time between each row beeing displayed in LED matrix. scanning display

//-----------Sleep Settings-----------
#include "LowPower.h"               //library for deep sleep
unsigned long onTime = 20*1000;     //time display stays on before going to deep sleep
unsigned long sleepTimer = 0;   //used to time how long the watch has been awake
volatile bool woke = false;   //AF
int pushBtn = 2;    //pin for push button used to interrupt sleep
bool awakened = false;

//-----------Time Settings-----------
#include <Wire.h>       //i2c library
#include "RTClib.h" 
#include <EEPROM.h>     //library for reading/writing to eeprom
RTC_DS3231 rtc;         //name of attached RTC
bool DST = 1;    //used to signal if daylight savings time is active
int timeOrDate = false;      //indicates which display option to show. time or date
int counterDST = 0;    //counts number of button presses since awakening. used to toggle DST mode
DateTime now;

//-----------Other Variables-----------
volatile unsigned long prevInterrupt = 0;   //used for debouncing push button

void wakeFunction();
void displayRow(int, byte);

void setup() 
  //do you want to set the time? uncomment this line after first upload and time has been set
  rtc.adjust(DateTime(F(__DATE__), F(__TIME__)));
  //rtc.adjust(DateTime(2018, 7, 5, 15, 51, 0));   //year, month, day, hour, minute, second

  pinMode(pushBtn, INPUT_PULLUP);
  for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)    //turns all LEDs completely off
    pinMode(row[i], OUTPUT);
    pinMode(col[i], OUTPUT);

  attachInterrupt(0, wakeFunction, FALLING);
  DST = EEPROM.read(0);   //gets the current DST settings

void loop() 
    if(millis() - prevInterrupt > 100)    //if button has been pressed for 100ms
        awakened = true;    //flag to start led matrix
        timeOrDate = !timeOrDate;     //toggle between time and day being shown
        counterDST++;             //increment button counter each time button is pressed after waking
        sleepTimer = millis();    //start the sleep countdown 
        woke = false;
        now = rtc.now();     //gets the current time from DST 
        now = now + TimeSpan(0, DST, 0, 0);   //adds DST variable to time
        woke = false; 

    if(millis() - sleepTimer < onTime)     //if display has been on for less than 30 sec
      if(timeOrDate)      //loads the current time into bytes to be displayed
        rowByte[0] = now.hour() / 10;     //hour second digit
        rowByte[1] = now.hour() % 10;     //hour first digit
        rowByte[2] = now.minute() / 10;   //minute second digit
        rowByte[3] = now.minute() % 10;   //minute first digit
      else              //loads the day and month into bytes to be displayed
        rowByte[0] = now.day() / 10;      //day first digit
        rowByte[1] = now.day() % 10;      //day second digit
        rowByte[2] = now.month() / 10;    //month first digit
        rowByte[3] = now.month() % 10;    //month second digit
      displayRow(rowCount, rowByte[rowCount]);    //shows one byte at the time on the matrix
      rowCount++;   //increments byte to be shown on matrix
      if(rowCount > 3)
        rowCount = 0;
      if(counterDST > 15)       //if the push button has been pressed 15 times since wakeup
        DST = !DST;             //toggles DST hour added to time shown
        EEPROM.write(0, DST);   //save DST state in eeprom
        counterDST = 0;         //reset button counter
    else    //when display has been on for 30 sec
      timeOrDate = false;   //set to false so time is first thing being shown on wakeup
      counterDST = 0;       //reset button counter
      woke = false;
      awakened = false;

  if(!woke && !awakened)
    LowPower.powerDown(SLEEP_FOREVER, ADC_OFF, BOD_OFF);  //zzzz

void wakeFunction()   //interrupt function when button is pressed
  woke = true;    //flags the microcontroller as just woken up
  prevInterrupt = millis();     //saves millis for debouncing
  //goes to main loop

void displayRow(int inRow, byte inByte)   //handles one row to display on the matrix at the time
  //turns off all rows and columns
    for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
      digitalWrite(row[i], LOW);
      digitalWrite(col[i], HIGH);
  digitalWrite(row[inRow], HIGH);   //turns on the selected row
  for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
    digitalWrite(col[i], !bitRead(inByte, i));  //turns on the selected columns

void allOff()   //turn all IO off before going to sleep to save power
  for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)    
    digitalWrite(row[i], LOW);    //rows must be set low to turn off
    digitalWrite(col[i], LOW);   //columns must be set high to turn off

MiniCore Bootloader - Github



Sverd Industries
6 projects • 5 followers


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