Matthew Harrell
Published © CC BY-NC

Giant Animatronics Lego Minfig Operation Game

This project details two Arduino powered animatronic Lego Minifigs that talk and move based off that Monster Hunters line.

AdvancedFull instructions providedOver 8 days10,123

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
Arduino MP3 Shield
Adafruit Arduino MP3 Shield
MG90S Gear Micro Servo
Speaker: 3W, 4 ohms
Speaker: 3W, 4 ohms
Ball Bearing – 688Z 8x16x5
OpenBuilds Ball Bearing – 688Z 8x16x5

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Lulzbot Taz 5 FDM printer
X-Carve CNC


Read more

Custom parts and enclosures

3D grown Parts


Lego Operation Game Wiring

Connect GPIO 2, 3, 4 of the MP3 shield to the aluminum Plates.
Connect 3v of the MP3 shield to the tongs.
Connect pins 5, 8, 9 of the MP3 shiled to pins 2, 3, 4 of the servo Arduino.
Connect pins 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 of the servo Arduino to the servos.
Wire the positive and negative of the servos to a 5v plug.
Wire the graounds of both the servo Arduino and the MP3 shield to the 5v plug.
Wire up both speaker inputs.

Lego Minifig scaled drawings

These are the scaled and dimensioned drawings I used to construct the megafigs.



This code is loaded onto the Arduino uno that controls all 6 servo motors. Basically it wait to receive one of 3 signals from the MP3 shield. When the signal is received, the servo Arduino Uno runs the corresponding servo movements.

  Targus - Operation - Servos


// Digital Pins 0 and 1 are normally used for serial commucation when uploading and monitoring an Arduino from a computer.
// Digital Pins 0 and 1 can be used for servos if the Arduino is not connected to a computer.
// If Digital Pins 0 and 1 are being used for servos, comment out any lines beginning with 'Serial.' in this file.
// Make sure this Arduino is powered on before the other Arduino since this Arduino will be receiving 5V signals.
// Make sure a GND wire on this Arduino is connected to GND on the other Arduino.

#include <Servo.h>

Servo servo5;
Servo servo6;
Servo servo7;
Servo servo8;
Servo servo9;
Servo servo10;
Servo servo11;

int pin2 = 2;
int pin3 = 3;
int pin4 = 4;

  Arduino Setup
void setup() {
  Serial.begin(9600); // enable serial communication for development and troubleshooting
  Serial.println("Targus - Operation - Servos\n");

    Connect Servos and set initial positions
  servo5.attach(5); // digital pin 5
  servo5.write(90); // move to 90 degrees

  servo6.attach(6); // digital pin 6

  servo7.attach(7); // digital pin 7

  servo8.attach(8); // digital pin 8

  servo9.attach(9); // digital pin 9

  servo10.attach(10); // digital pin 10

  servo11.attach(11); // digital pin 11

    Setup Digital Input Pins
  // Setup input pins so the Arduino with sound effects can tell us when to activate servos.
  pinMode(pin2, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(pin3, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(pin4, INPUT_PULLUP);

  Arduino Loop
void loop() {
  if (digitalRead(pin2) == HIGH) {
  } else if (digitalRead(pin3) == HIGH) {
  } else if (digitalRead(pin4) == HIGH) {

int moveServo(Servo &servo, int degreeStart, int degreeEnd, unsigned long timeEnd, unsigned long timeStart, float (*easing)(float), unsigned long timeNow) {
  // this function will return a number 1 if there is still work to be done

  timeEnd += timeStart; // add any delay to the end time

  if (timeNow < timeStart) {
    // servo movement delayed, nothing to do yet so return early
    return 1;

  if (timeNow > timeEnd) {
    // servo movement phase done, nothing to do
    return 0;

  // if we get this far, prepare to move a servo

  float percentToMove = float(timeNow - timeStart) / float(timeEnd - timeStart);

  percentToMove = easing(percentToMove);

  // map degree ranges 0-180 to microsecond range 500-2400 for a SG-92R
  degreeStart = map(degreeStart, 0, 180, 500, 2400);
  degreeEnd = map(degreeEnd, 0, 180, 500, 2400);

  float servoTo = 0;

  if (degreeEnd > degreeStart) {
    // rotate anti-clockwise
    servoTo = ((degreeEnd - degreeStart) * percentToMove) + degreeStart;
  } else {
    // rotate clockwise
    percentToMove = 1 - percentToMove; // inverse percent so values like 0.8 become 0.2
    servoTo = ((degreeStart - degreeEnd) * percentToMove) + degreeEnd;


  // Serial.print("Would map to: ");  Serial.println(servoTo);
  // Serial.print("degreeStart: ");   Serial.println(degreeStart);
  // Serial.print("degreeEnd: ");     Serial.println(degreeEnd);
  // Serial.print("timeEnd: ");       Serial.println(timeEnd);
  // Serial.print("timeStart: ");     Serial.println(timeStart);
  // Serial.print("timeNow: ");       Serial.println(timeNow);
  // Serial.print("percentToMove: "); Serial.println(percentToMove);
  // Serial.print("servoTo: ");       Serial.println(servoTo);
  // Serial.print("\n");

  return 1;

  Functions: Easing
// Easing functions from renamed to match for easy previewing.

float easeInBack(float pos) {
  // Modeled after the overshooting cubic y = x^3-x*sin(x*pi)
  return pos * pos * pos - pos * sin(pos * M_PI);

float easeOutBack(float pos) {
  // Modeled after overshooting cubic y = 1-((1-x)^3-(1-x)*sin((1-x)*pi))
  float f = (1 - pos);
  return 1 - (f * f * f - f * sin(f * M_PI));

float easeInOutBack(float pos) {
  // Modeled after the piecewise overshooting cubic function:
  // y = (1/2)*((2x)^3-(2x)*sin(2*x*pi))           ; [0, 0.5)
  // y = (1/2)*(1-((1-x)^3-(1-x)*sin((1-x)*pi))+1) ; [0.5, 1]
  if (pos < 0.5) {
    float f = 2 * pos;
    return 0.5 * (f * f * f - f * sin(f * M_PI));
  } else {
    float f = (1 - (2 * pos - 1));
    return 0.5 * (1 - (f * f * f - f * sin(f * M_PI))) + 0.5;

float easeInBounce(float pos) {
  return 1 - easeOutBounce(1 - pos);

float easeOutBounce(float pos) {
  if (pos < 4 / 11.0) {
    return (121 * pos * pos) / 16.0;
  } else if (pos < 8 / 11.0) {
    return (363 / 40.0 * pos * pos) - (99 / 10.0 * pos) + 17 / 5.0;
  } else if (pos < 9 / 10.0)  {
    return (4356 / 361.0 * pos * pos) - (35442 / 1805.0 * pos) + 16061 / 1805.0;
  } else {
    return (54 / 5.0 * pos * pos) - (513 / 25.0 * pos) + 268 / 25.0;

float easeInOutBounce(float pos) {
  if (pos < 0.5) {
    return 0.5 * easeInBounce(pos * 2);
  } else {
    return 0.5 * easeOutBounce(pos * 2 - 1) + 0.5;

float easeInCirc(float pos) {
  // Modeled after shifted quadrant IV of unit circle
  return 1 - sqrt(1 - (pos * pos));

float easeOutCirc(float pos) {
  // Modeled after shifted quadrant II of unit circle
  return sqrt((2 - pos) * pos);

float easeInOutCirc(float pos) {
  // Modeled after the piecewise circular function
  // y = (1/2)(1 - sqrt(1 - 4x^2))           ; [0, 0.5)
  // y = (1/2)(sqrt(-(2x - 3)*(2x - 1)) + 1) ; [0.5, 1]
  if (pos < 0.5) {
    return 0.5 * (1 - sqrt(1 - 4 * (pos * pos)));
  } else {
    return 0.5 * (sqrt(-((2 * pos) - 3) * ((2 * pos) - 1)) + 1);

float easeInCubic(float pos) {
  // Modeled after the cubic y = x^3
  return pos * pos * pos;

float easeOutCubic(float pos) {
  // Modeled after the cubic y = (x - 1)^3 + 1
  float f = (pos - 1);
  return f * f * f + 1;

float easeInOutCubic(float pos) {
  // Modeled after the piecewise cubic
  // y = (1/2)((2x)^3)       ; [0, 0.5)
  // y = (1/2)((2x-2)^3 + 2) ; [0.5, 1]
  if (pos < 0.5) {
    return 4 * pos * pos * pos;
  } else {
    float f = ((2 * pos) - 2);
    return 0.5 * f * f * f + 1;

float easeInElastic(float pos) {
  // Modeled after the damped sine wave y = sin(13pi/2*x)*pow(2, 10 * (x - 1))
  return sin(13 * M_PI_2 * pos) * pow(2, 10 * (pos - 1));

float easeOutElastic(float pos) {
  // Modeled after the damped sine wave y = sin(-13pi/2*(x + 1))*pow(2, -10x) + 1
  return sin(-13 * M_PI_2 * (pos + 1)) * pow(2, -10 * pos) + 1;

float easeInOutElastic(float pos) {
  // Modeled after the piecewise exponentially-damped sine wave:
  // y = (1/2)*sin(13pi/2*(2*x))*pow(2, 10 * ((2*x) - 1))      ; [0,0.5)
  // y = (1/2)*(sin(-13pi/2*((2x-1)+1))*pow(2,-10(2*x-1)) + 2) ; [0.5, 1]
  if (pos < 0.5) {
    return 0.5 * sin(13 * M_PI_2 * (2 * pos)) * pow(2, 10 * ((2 * pos) - 1));
  } else {
    return 0.5 * (sin(-13 * M_PI_2 * ((2 * pos - 1) + 1)) * pow(2, -10 * (2 * pos - 1)) + 2);

float easeInExpo(float pos) {
  // Modeled after the exponential function y = 2^(10(x - 1))
  return (pos == 0.0) ? pos : pow(2, 10 * (pos - 1));

float easeOutExpo(float pos) {
  // Modeled after the exponential function y = -2^(-10x) + 1
  return (pos == 1.0) ? pos : 1 - pow(2, -10 * pos);

float easeInOutExpo(float pos) {
  // Modeled after the piecewise exponential
  // y = (1/2)2^(10(2x - 1))         ; [0,0.5)
  // y = -(1/2)*2^(-10(2x - 1))) + 1 ; [0.5,1]
  if (pos == 0.0 || pos == 1.0) return pos;

  if (pos < 0.5) {
    return 0.5 * pow(2, (20 * pos) - 10);
  } else {
    return -0.5 * pow(2, (-20 * pos) + 10) + 1;

float linear(float pos) {
  return pos;

float easeInQuad(float pos) {
  // Modeled after the parabola y = x^2
  return pos * pos;

float easeOutQuad(float pos) {
  // Modeled after the parabola y = -x^2 + 2x
  return -(pos * (pos - 2));

float easeInOutQuad(float pos) {
  // Modeled after the piecewise quadratic
  // y = (1/2)((2x)^2)             ; [0, 0.5)
  // y = -(1/2)((2x-1)*(2x-3) - 1) ; [0.5, 1]
  if (pos < 0.5) {
    return 2 * pos * pos;
  } else {
    return (-2 * pos * pos) + (4 * pos) - 1;

float easeInQuart(float pos) {
  // Modeled after the quartic x^4
  return pos * pos * pos * pos;

float easeOutQuart(float pos) {
  // Modeled after the quartic y = 1 - (x - 1)^4
  float f = (pos - 1);
  return f * f * f * (1 - pos) + 1;

float easeInOutQuart(float pos) {
  // Modeled after the piecewise quartic
  // y = (1/2)((2x)^4)        ; [0, 0.5)
  // y = -(1/2)((2x-2)^4 - 2) ; [0.5, 1]
  if (pos < 0.5) {
    return 8 * pos * pos * pos * pos;
  } else {
    float f = (pos - 1);
    return -8 * f * f * f * f + 1;

float easeInQuint(float pos) {
  // Modeled after the quintic y = x^5
  return pos * pos * pos * pos * pos;

float easeOutQuint(float pos) {
  // Modeled after the quintic y = (x - 1)^5 + 1
  float f = (pos - 1);
  return f * f * f * f * f + 1;

float easeInOutQuint(float pos) {
  // Modeled after the piecewise quintic
  // y = (1/2)((2x)^5)       ; [0, 0.5)
  // y = (1/2)((2x-2)^5 + 2) ; [0.5, 1]
  if (pos < 0.5) {
    return 16 * pos * pos * pos * pos * pos;
  } else {
    float f = ((2 * pos) - 2);
    return  0.5 * f * f * f * f * f + 1;

float easeInSine(float pos) {
  // Modeled after quarter-cycle of sine wave
  return sin((pos - 1) * M_PI_2) + 1;

float easeOutSine(float pos) {
  // Modeled after quarter-cycle of sine wave (different phase)
  return sin(pos * M_PI_2);

float easeInOutSine(float pos) {
  // Modeled after half sine wave
  return 0.5 * (1 - cos(pos * M_PI));

  Functions: Zap
  Zap 2
void zap2() {

  Serial.println("ZAP 2 called!"); //Bone
  unsigned long timeStart = millis();

  int todo;

  do  {
    unsigned long timeNow = millis() - timeStart;

    todo = 0;

    // M Leg Kick
    //todo += moveServo(servo5,  90, 50, 100,    0, easeInOutCubic, timeNow); // move servo5 from 90 to 180 degrees for 1 second after a 0 second delay
    // todo += moveServo(servo5, 50,  90, 500, 500, easeOutBounce, timeNow); // move servo5 from 180 to 90 degrees for 1 second after a 1 second delay

    // M Head side to side
    todo += moveServo(servo7,  90, 110, 500,0, easeInOutCubic, timeNow); // move servo7 from 90 to 180 degrees for 1 second after a 0 second delay
    todo += moveServo(servo7, 110, 70, 500, 500, easeInOutCubic, timeNow); // move servo7 from 180 to 90 degrees for 1 second after a 1 second delay
    todo += moveServo(servo7,  70, 110, 500, 1000, easeInOutCubic, timeNow);
    todo += moveServo(servo7, 110, 70, 500, 1500, easeInOutCubic, timeNow);
    todo += moveServo(servo7,  70, 110, 500, 2000, easeInOutCubic, timeNow);
    todo += moveServo(servo7, 110, 70, 500, 2500, easeInOutCubic, timeNow);
    todo += moveServo(servo7,  70, 90, 500, 3000, easeInOutCubic, timeNow);

    // M left arm up and down
    todo += moveServo(servo8, 90, 170, 1000, 0, easeInOutCubic, timeNow); // move servo8 from 90 to 180 degrees for 1 second after a 0 second delay
    todo += moveServo(servo8, 170, 90, 1000, 4000, easeOutBounce, timeNow); // move servo8 from 180 to 90 degrees for 1 second after a 1 second delay

    // M right arm up and down
    todo += moveServo(servo6, 90, 130, 1000, 1500, easeInOutCubic, timeNow); // move servo8 from 90 to 180 degrees for 1 second after a 0 second delay
    todo += moveServo(servo6, 130, 90, 1000, 5000, easeOutBounce, timeNow); // move servo8 from 180 to 90 degrees for 1 second after a 1 second delay

    // S Head side to side
    todo += moveServo(servo10, 90, 40, 1000, 500, easeInOutCubic, timeNow); // move servo7 from 90 to 180 degrees for 1 second after a 0 second delay
    todo += moveServo(servo10, 40, 105, 1000, 2000, easeInOutCubic, timeNow); // move servo7 from 180 to 90 degrees for 1 second after a 1 second delay
    todo += moveServo(servo10, 105, 90, 1000, 6000, easeInOutCubic, timeNow);
    // S left arm up and down
    todo += moveServo(servo11, 80, 160, 1000, 2000, easeInOutCubic, timeNow); // move servo8 from 90 to 180 degrees for 1 second after a 0 second delay
    todo += moveServo(servo11, 160, 80, 1000, 5000, easeInOutCubic, timeNow); // move servo8 from 180 to 90 degrees for 1 second after a 1 second delay

    // S right arm up and down
      todo += moveServo(servo9, 80, 20, 1000, 1000, easeInOutCubic, timeNow); // move servo8 from 90 to 180 degrees for 1 second after a 0 second delay
    todo += moveServo(servo9, 20, 80, 1000, 2000, easeInOutCubic, timeNow); // move servo8 from 180 to 90 degrees for 1 second after a 1 second delay


  } while (todo > 0);

  Zap 3
void zap3() {
  Serial.println("ZAP 3 called!");
  unsigned long timeStart = millis();

  int todo;

  do  {
    unsigned long timeNow = millis() - timeStart;

    todo = 0;

    // M Head side to side
    todo += moveServo(servo7, 90, 130, 1000, 0, easeInOutCubic, timeNow); // move servo7 from 90 to 180 degrees for 1 second after a 0 second delay
    todo += moveServo(servo7, 130, 90, 1000, 5000, easeInOutCubic, timeNow); // move servo7 from 180 to 90 degrees for 1 second after a 1 second delay

    // M left arm up and down
    todo += moveServo(servo8, 90, 170, 1000, 0, easeInOutCubic, timeNow); // move servo8 from 90 to 180 degrees for 1 second after a 0 second delay
    todo += moveServo(servo8, 170, 90, 1000, 4000, easeOutBounce, timeNow); // move servo8 from 180 to 90 degrees for 1 second after a 1 second delay

    // M right arm up and down
    todo += moveServo(servo6, 90, 130, 1000, 1500, easeInOutCubic, timeNow); // move servo8 from 90 to 180 degrees for 1 second after a 0 second delay
    todo += moveServo(servo6, 130, 90, 1000, 5000, easeOutBounce, timeNow); // move servo8 from 180 to 90 degrees for 1 second after a 1 second delay

    // S Head side to side
    todo += moveServo(servo10, 90, 40, 1000, 500, easeInOutCubic, timeNow); // move servo7 from 90 to 180 degrees for 1 second after a 0 second delay
    todo += moveServo(servo10, 40, 105, 1000, 2000, easeInOutCubic, timeNow); // move servo7 from 180 to 90 degrees for 1 second after a 1 second delay
    todo += moveServo(servo10, 105, 90, 1000, 6000, easeInOutCubic, timeNow);

    // S left arm up and down
     todo += moveServo(servo11, 80, 160, 1000, 0, easeInOutCubic, timeNow); // move servo8 from 90 to 180 degrees for 1 second after a 0 second delay
    todo += moveServo(servo11, 160, 80, 1000, 5000, easeInOutCubic, timeNow); // move servo8 from 180 to 90 degrees for 1 second after a 1 second delay

    // S right arm up and down
     todo += moveServo(servo9, 80, 20, 1000, 1000, easeInOutCubic, timeNow); // move servo8 from 90 to 180 degrees for 1 second after a 0 second delay
    todo += moveServo(servo9, 20, 80, 1000, 6000, easeInOutCubic, timeNow); // move servo8 from 180 to 90 degrees for 1 second after a 1 second delay


  } while (todo > 0);

  Zap 4
void zap4() {
  Serial.println("ZAP 4 called!");
  unsigned long timeStart = millis();

  int todo;

  do  {
    unsigned long timeNow = millis() - timeStart;

    todo = 0;

     // M Head side to side
    todo += moveServo(servo7, 90, 130, 1000, 0, easeInOutCubic, timeNow); // move servo7 from 90 to 180 degrees for 1 second after a 0 second delay
    todo += moveServo(servo7, 130,  90, 1000, 5000, easeInOutCubic, timeNow); // move servo7 from 180 to 90 degrees for 1 second after a 1 second delay

    // M left arm up and down
    todo += moveServo(servo8, 90, 170, 1000, 0, easeInOutCubic, timeNow); // move servo8 from 90 to 180 degrees for 1 second after a 0 second delay
    todo += moveServo(servo8, 170,  90, 1000, 4000, easeOutBounce, timeNow); // move servo8 from 180 to 90 degrees for 1 second after a 1 second delay

    // M right arm up and down
    todo += moveServo(servo6, 90, 130, 1000, 1500, easeInOutCubic, timeNow); // move servo8 from 90 to 180 degrees for 1 second after a 0 second delay
    todo += moveServo(servo6, 130, 90, 1000, 5000, easeOutBounce, timeNow); // move servo8 from 180 to 90 degrees for 1 second after a 1 second delay

    // S Head side to side
    todo += moveServo(servo10, 90, 40, 1000, 500, easeInOutCubic, timeNow); // move servo7 from 90 to 180 degrees for 1 second after a 0 second delay
    todo += moveServo(servo10, 40, 105, 1000, 2000, easeInOutCubic, timeNow); // move servo7 from 180 to 90 degrees for 1 second after a 1 second delay
    todo += moveServo(servo10, 105, 90, 1000, 6000, easeInOutCubic, timeNow);

    // S left arm up and down
    todo += moveServo(servo11, 80, 160, 1000, 2000, easeInOutCubic, timeNow); // move servo8 from 90 to 180 degrees for 1 second after a 0 second delay
    todo += moveServo(servo11, 160, 80, 1000, 5000, easeInOutCubic, timeNow); // move servo8 from 180 to 90 degrees for 1 second after a 1 second delay

    // S right arm up and down
    todo += moveServo(servo9, 80, 20, 1000, 1000, easeInOutCubic, timeNow); // move servo8 from 90 to 180 degrees for 1 second after a 0 second delay
    todo += moveServo(servo9, 20, 80, 1000, 2000, easeInOutCubic, timeNow); // move servo8 from 180 to 90 degrees for 1 second after a 1 second delay


  } while (todo > 0);

Sound Effects

This code is loaded onto the Arduino Uno with the MP3 shield mounted to it. Basically it receives a signal from one of three switches, plays the corresponding audio file and send a signal the Arduino Uno controlling the servos. Two buttons can also be mounted to it to control volume.

 Targus - Operation - Sound Effects


// Digital Pins 0 and 1 are normally used for serial commucation when uploading and monitoring an Arduino from a computer.
// Digital Pins 3, 4, 6, 7, 11, 12, and 13 are used by the Adafruit Music Maker Shield.
// This Arduino should be powered on after the servos Arduino since this Arduino will be sending 5V signals.
// Make sure a GND wire on this Arduino is connected to GND on the other Arduino.

#include <SPI.h>
#include <Adafruit_VS1053.h>
#include <SD.h>

int relayPin5 = 5;
int relayPin8 = 8;
int relayPin9 = 9;

int pinVolDown = 14; // aka Analog In 0
int pinVolUp   = 15; // aka Analog In 1

int volume = 50; // this is the default volume which can be changed later by the volDown() and volUp() functions

 Adafruit Music Maker Shield -
// Adafruit Music Maker Shield Pins
#define SHIELD_RESET -1 // VS1053 reset pin (unused!)
#define DREQ          3 // VS1053 Data request, ideally an Interrupt pin. See for more info.
#define CARDCS        4 // Card chip select pin
#define SHIELD_DCS    6 // VS1053 Data/command select pin (output)
#define SHIELD_CS     7 // VS1053 chip select pin (output)

// the most important thing on the line below is the variable 'musicPlayer' which we will use to play music later
Adafruit_VS1053_FilePlayer musicPlayer = Adafruit_VS1053_FilePlayer(SHIELD_RESET, SHIELD_CS, SHIELD_DCS, DREQ, CARDCS);

 Arduino Setup
void setup() {
  Serial.begin(9600); // enable serial communication for development and troubleshooting
  Serial.println("Targus - Operation - Sound Effects\n");

  if (! musicPlayer.begin()) { // initialise the music player
     Serial.println(F("Couldn't find VS1053, do you have the right pins defined?"));
     while (1); // loop forever since we could not connect to the Adafruit Music Maker Shield
  SD.begin(CARDCS); // initialise the SD card
  // Set volumes for the left and right channels.
  musicPlayer.setVolume(volume,volume); // 0-255 with 0 being crazy loud

  // If DREQ is on an interrupt pin (on uno, #2 or #3) we can do background audio playing
  musicPlayer.useInterrupt(VS1053_FILEPLAYER_PIN_INT); // DREQ int

  // Specify which GPIO pins to use for input.
  musicPlayer.GPIO_pinMode(2, OUTPUT); // switch for ...
  musicPlayer.GPIO_pinMode(3, OUTPUT); // switch for ...
  musicPlayer.GPIO_pinMode(4, OUTPUT); // switch for ...

  // Specify which digital pins we will use for volume control
  pinMode(pinVolDown, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(pinVolUp, INPUT_PULLUP);

  // Specify which digital pins we will use to communicate with the other Arduino (aka the Arduino with all the servos).
  pinMode(relayPin5, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(relayPin8, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(relayPin9, OUTPUT);

 Arduino Loop
void loop() {
  int gpio2 = musicPlayer.GPIO_digitalRead(2);
  int gpio3 = musicPlayer.GPIO_digitalRead(3);
  int gpio4 = musicPlayer.GPIO_digitalRead(4);
  int ioDown  = digitalRead(pinVolDown); // volume down
  int ioUp = digitalRead(pinVolUp); // volume up

//  Serial.println(ioDown);
//  Serial.println(ioUp);
//  Serial.println(gpio2);

  if (gpio2 == 1) {
    Serial.println("GPIO 2 triggered.\n");
  } else if (gpio3 == 1) {
    Serial.println("GPIO 3 triggered.\n");
  } else if (gpio4 == 1) {
    Serial.println("GPIO 4 triggered.\n");
  } else if (ioDown == LOW) {
    Serial.println("Analog 0 triggered.\n");
  } else if (ioUp == LOW) {
    Serial.println("Analog 1 triggered.\n");

  delay(2); // this delay may need to be reduced or removed depending on how responsive hitting the tongs to the side of a container feels

void audioPlay(String file) {
  Serial.println("Playing " + file);
  delay(500); // wait half a second before returning so the audio can get going

void audioStop(String file) {
  Serial.println("Done playing " + file);

void activate(int pin) {
  digitalWrite(pin, HIGH);
  delay(300); // delay as long as needed for the other Arduino to notice an event
  digitalWrite(pin, LOW);

void volDown() {
  volume = volume + 1;
  if (volume > 255) {
    volume = 255;

  // Set volumes for the left and right channels.
  musicPlayer.setVolume(volume,volume); // 0-255 with 0 being crazy loud
  Serial.print("Volume set to "); Serial.println(volume);

void volUp() {
  volume = volume - 1;
  if (volume < 0) {
    volume = 0;
  // Set volumes for the left and right channels.
  musicPlayer.setVolume(volume,volume); // 0-255 with 0 being crazy loud

  Serial.print("Volume set to "); Serial.println(volume);

 Functions: Zap
   Zap 2
  void zap2() {
    // Audio and Servo(s) triggered by GPIO 2
    String file = "02.mp3"; // this file should exist on the SD card
     Play Audio
     Tell other Arduino to Animate Servos
    delay(6000); // Customize delay to match end of servo movements, go by feel vs. accurate math since this Arduino's clock may not sync with the other Arduino.
     Stop Audio
   Zap 3
  void zap3() {
    // Audio and Servo(s) triggered by GPIO 3
    String file = "03.mp3"; // this file should exist on the SD card
     Play Audio
     Tell other Arduino to Animate Servos
    delay(6000); // Customize delay to match end of servo movements, go by feel vs. accurate math since this Arduino's clock may not sync with the other Arduino.
     Stop Audio
   Zap 4
  void zap4() {
    // Audio and Servo(s) triggered by GPIO 4
    String file = "04.mp3"; // this file should exist on the SD card
     Play Audio
     Tell other Arduino to Animate Servos
    delay(6000); // Customize delay to match end of servo movements, go by feel vs. accurate math since this Arduino's clock may not sync with the other Arduino.
     Stop Audio


Matthew Harrell
1 project • 5 followers
Thanks to Daniel Gagan.
