Hello nerds, welcome back to Techatronic. In this article, we will control a robot arm utilizing the Blynk application with the assistance of the nodemcu board. You have some control over the development of this robot arm utilizing your cell phone. You simply need great web availability for its working. At the point when you contact the joystick and move this way and that then the robot arm will likewise move appropriately.
First of all, you need to download and install the Blynk application from any app store on your smartphone. Then sign in to it. It will ask for your email address so that you will get your unique token number.
Then create a new project and set the device as nodemcu.
Then, at that point, open the gadgets area and select the joystick. Make the settings as displayed in the picture given underneath. Then, at that point, add a button and continue further. Run the reproduction on the Blynk application and sit tight for the association between the cell phone and the nodemcu.. Make a point to add the SSID and secret word in the code so that nodemcu can get to the web.
- ESP8266 nodemcu board
- 2 x Servo motors
- Cardboard pieces
- Smart phone with good internet connection
- Jumper wires and a breadboard
- USB cable for uploading the code
we have assembled this project with PCB which we have made from PCBWAY
Code and Circuit Also given which can help you to make this project for more information you can see this article on reference website.
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