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Stephen Harrison
Published © CC BY-NC

Internet Connected Power Usage Monitor

Monitor the power usage for your home and individual devices with this Particle Photon connected Current Cost EnviR power monitor.

BeginnerFull instructions provided2 hours3,873
Internet Connected Power Usage Monitor

Things used in this project

Hardware components

RJ45 Socket
Particle Photon
USB A Plug (PCB Mount)
EnviR Current Cost Monitor
RJ45 Breakout board
Optional - PCB or breakout board.
Custom fabricated PCB
OSH Park Custom fabricated PCB
https://oshpark.com/shared_projects/w0SSgU4E Optional - PCB or breakout board
RJ45 Cable

Software apps and online services


Hand tools and fabrication machines

3D Printer (generic)
3D Printer (generic)


Read more

Custom parts and enclosures

Main case body

Case lid


Github project repository

Eagle Schematic

Eagle PCB

Send this to OSH Park to get your own board made.


PCB All Layers

PCB Top Layer

PCB Bottom Layer


Photon code

Paste this into a new App in the Particle build environment. No libraries needed.
// Pin Connection:
// Photon 3v3 -> RJ45 Pin 1
// Photon GND -> RJ45 Pin 4
// Photon RX -> RJ45 Pin 8
// Photon D3 -> 1k Resistor -> LED

// Allows for a maximum of 12 sensors.
#define MAX_SENSORS 12

// Number of appliance's defined
// these are used to determine if an appliance 
// is active or not.

// Serial receive buffer. 
// Cleared when processing begins (i.e. the end terminator is seen)
String buffer = "";

// Intermediary buffer that takes the buffer message
// and appends it, so that it can split messages up.
String messageBuffer = "";

// The message being processed.
//String message = "";

// If the start of an xml element has been found.
bool foundStart = false;

// Temperature measured by the Current Cost unit (display unit)
String temperature = "";

typedef struct {
    // Dish washer etc.
    String name;
    // which sensor to monitor 
    int sensorId;
    // What delta level is needed to trigger this appliance
    // as being on.
    long triggerLevelLower;
    long triggerLevelUpper;
    // When this was last triggered 
    // Not always possible to judge when applience goes off from power
    // usage so give an estimated time.
    long lastTriggeredAt;
    // Time this trigger can be reset after.
    long resetAfter;
    // How long from the last triggered at
    // the trigger should be reset after.
    long reTriggerDelaySeconds;
    bool isTriggered;
    // How many times the trigger has been 
    int triggerCount;
    // How long it was on for this time it was used.
    int durationSeconds;
    // Overall how long the appliance has been on for
    int totalDurationSeconds;
    // If the triggered flag can be cleared on
    // from low power usage. 
    // Some appliances (dish washer/washing machine) are on
    // even when in a low power state so fall back to timeout.
    bool clearOnPower;
} ApplianceTrigger;

// Structure used to store each sensor reading and
// some additional information 
typedef struct {
    int powerWatts;
    int lastPowerWatts;
    int deltaPower;
    long measuredAt;
    // If this measurement has been published.
    bool published = true;
} SensorState;

ApplianceTrigger applianceTriggers[MAX_APPLIANCES];

SensorState sensorStates[MAX_SENSORS];

int publishCount = 0;

int statusLed = D7;

// Buffer for publishing json data to Tinamous
// Maxes out Particle.publish at 255 characters.
String json;

void setup()
    // USB
    // via TX/RX pins for current cost.
    // Reserve space in the buffers.
    // LED indication of RX data
    pinMode(statusLed, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite(statusLed, LOW);
    // RGB indication of publish.
    RGB.color(255, 255, 255);
    // Set-up the appliances
    Particle.publish("Current Cost Monitor V0.08");

void setupAppliances() {
    ApplianceTrigger dishWasher = ApplianceTrigger();
    dishWasher.name = "Dish washer";
    dishWasher.sensorId = 1;
    dishWasher.triggerLevelLower = 2000; 
    // Approve 2.2kW usage.
    dishWasher.triggerLevelUpper = 3000;
    dishWasher.lastTriggeredAt = 0;
    dishWasher.resetAfter = 0;
    // 2.5 hour wash cycle.
    dishWasher.reTriggerDelaySeconds = 2.75 * 60 * 60;
    dishWasher.isTriggered = false;
    dishWasher.triggerCount = 0;
    dishWasher.clearOnPower =false;
    // Washing machine
    // Consumes about 2 Watts when on, but not running.
    ApplianceTrigger washingMachine = ApplianceTrigger();
    washingMachine.name = "Washing machine (running)";
    washingMachine.sensorId = 5;
    washingMachine.triggerLevelLower = 100; 
    // Approve 2.2kW usage.
    washingMachine.triggerLevelUpper = 3000;
    washingMachine.lastTriggeredAt = 0;
    washingMachine.resetAfter = 0;
    // 2.5 hour wash cycle.
    washingMachine.reTriggerDelaySeconds = 3 * 60 * 60;
    washingMachine.isTriggered = false;
    washingMachine.triggerCount = 0;
    washingMachine.clearOnPower = false;
    // Kettle
    // needs to reset on -ve trigger.
    ApplianceTrigger kettle = ApplianceTrigger();
    kettle.name = "Kettle";
    kettle.sensorId = 0; // House sensor
    kettle.triggerLevelLower = 2800; 
    kettle.triggerLevelUpper = 3200;
    kettle.lastTriggeredAt = 0;
    kettle.resetAfter = 0;
    // Max 5 minutes run time.
    kettle.reTriggerDelaySeconds = 5 * 60;
    kettle.isTriggered = false;
    kettle.triggerCount = 0;
    kettle.clearOnPower = true;
    // Shower
    // needs to reset on -ve trigger.
    ApplianceTrigger shower = ApplianceTrigger();
    shower.name = "Shower";
    shower.sensorId = 0; // House sensor
    shower.triggerLevelLower = 7000; 
    shower.triggerLevelUpper = 8000;
    shower.lastTriggeredAt = 0;
    shower.resetAfter = 0;
    // allow upto 30 minutes for a shower before
    // forcing a reset.
    shower.reTriggerDelaySeconds = 30 * 60;
    shower.isTriggered = false;
    shower.triggerCount = 0;
    shower.clearOnPower = true;
    applianceTriggers[0] = dishWasher;
    applianceTriggers[1] = washingMachine;
    applianceTriggers[2] = kettle;
    applianceTriggers[3] = shower;

void loop() {
    // move the messages from the serial receive
    // to the main message buffer to be processed here.
    buffer = "";
    // Look for "</msg>" as the indication that the end of the message has been read.
    // xml end terminator found.
    int messageStartPosition = messageBuffer.indexOf("<msg>");
    int messageTerminatorPosition = messageBuffer.indexOf("</msg>");
    if (messageStartPosition>=0 && messageTerminatorPosition>0) {
        // This ignores the > at the end, that's left in the buffer
        // to combines with future mesages.
        messageTerminatorPosition = messageTerminatorPosition + 6;
        // Extract the message.
        String message = messageBuffer.substring(messageStartPosition, messageTerminatorPosition);
        // Remove the string we are processing and anything we're ignoring before it.
        messageBuffer.remove(0, messageTerminatorPosition);
        // ensure buffer contains the start terminator.
        // Ensure that we have at-least <tmpr> start element
        // don't care about anything before that though.
        if (message.indexOf("tmpr") > -1) {
        } else if (message.indexOf("<hist>")) {
        } else {
            Serial.println("Unknown message: " + message);
    // Every n seconds publish the  value of the sensors.
    // Tune this so not to publish to often but also
    // not miss a sensor reading.
    if (publishCount > 5000) {
        RGB.color(00, 00, 255);
        publishCount = 0;
    RGB.color(0, 0, 0);

// <msg>
// <src>CC128-v1.29</src>
// <dsb>01579</dsb>
// <time>19:25:29</time>
// <tmpr>23.7</tmpr>
// <sensor>2</sensor>
// <id>02927</id>
// <type>1</type>
// <ch1>
//  <watts>00506</watts>
// </ch1>
// </msg>
void processPower(String message) {
    Serial.println("Processing Power: " + message);
    RGB.color(00, 255, 00);
    temperature = extractTemperature(message);
    int sensorId = getSensor(message);
    // Sensor may have upto 3 Channes of data.
    // but for now, just use channel 1.
    int powerNow = extractChannelData(message, 1);
    // -1 indicates channel data not found.
    if (powerNow >= 0) {
        updateSensorState(sensorId, powerNow);

// message will contain a history xml message.
// <msg>
// <src>CC128-v1.29</src>
// <dsb>01579</dsb> 
// <time>19:01:50</time>
// <hist>
//  <dsw>01581</dsw>
//	<type>1</type>
//	<units>kwhr</units>
//	<data>
//		<sensor>0</sensor>
//		<h706>2.626</h706>
//		<h704>2.708</h704>
//		<h702>2.748</h702>
//		<h700>2.291</h700>
//	</data>
// ... to sensor 9
// </hist>
// </msg>
// Also...
// <h338>3.492</h338>
// <h336>2.892</h336>
// <h334>5.446</h334>
// <h332>2.558</h332>
void processHistory(String message) {
    Serial.println("History: " + message);

void updateSensorState(int sensorId, int powerNow) {
    SensorState sensorState = sensorStates[sensorId];
    if (!sensorState.published) {
        Serial.println("Missed sensor reading. Previous reading not published");
    sensorState.deltaPower = powerNow - sensorState.powerWatts;
    sensorState.lastPowerWatts = sensorState.powerWatts;
    sensorState.powerWatts= powerNow;
    sensorState.published = false;
    sensorStates[sensorId] = sensorState;

// TODO: Ignore delta's on reset.
void checkAppliances(int sensorId) {
    int now = Time.now();
    for (int i = 0; i < MAX_APPLIANCES; i++) {
        ApplianceTrigger applianceTrigger = applianceTriggers[i];
        // Figure out if the appliance trigger should be reset based 
        // on time.
        if (applianceTrigger.isTriggered && now > applianceTrigger.resetAfter) {
        // If the appliance is for this sensor and is not already triggered.
        if (applianceTrigger.sensorId == sensorId) {
            SensorState sensorState = sensorStates[sensorId];
            if (!applianceTrigger.isTriggered) {
                // If the recorderd change in power level (delta) is between the lower and upper
                // trigger levels for the appliance then trigger the appliance
                // as being on.
                if (sensorState.deltaPower > applianceTrigger.triggerLevelLower && sensorState.deltaPower < applianceTrigger.triggerLevelUpper) {
                    applianceTriggered(i, sensorState.deltaPower);
            } else if (applianceTrigger.clearOnPower) {
                // If the appliance triggered can be reset from 
                // the power no longer being drawn.
                // Is triggered. Check to see if deltaPower is -ve and if within range
                // of the appliance. If so, reset the appliance.
                 if (sensorState.deltaPower < (-applianceTrigger.triggerLevelLower) && sensorState.deltaPower > (-applianceTrigger.triggerLevelUpper)) {

void applianceTriggered(int applianceId, int powerLevel) {
    int now = Time.now();
    applianceTriggers[applianceId].isTriggered = true;
    applianceTriggers[applianceId].lastTriggeredAt = now;
    applianceTriggers[applianceId].resetAfter = now + applianceTriggers[applianceId].reTriggerDelaySeconds;
    Particle.publish("status", applianceTriggers[applianceId].name + " triggered. Power: " + String(powerLevel));
    Serial.println(applianceTriggers[applianceId].name + " triggered");

void applianceReset(int applianceId) {
    if (applianceTriggers[applianceId].isTriggered) {
        int durationSeconds =Time.now() - applianceTriggers[applianceId].lastTriggeredAt;
        String name = applianceTriggers[applianceId].name;
        applianceTriggers[applianceId].isTriggered = false;
        applianceTriggers[applianceId].durationSeconds =  durationSeconds;
        applianceTriggers[applianceId].totalDurationSeconds += durationSeconds;
        Particle.publish("status", name + " cleared. Was on for " + String(durationSeconds) + "s");
        Serial.println(name + " cleared. Was on for " + String(durationSeconds) + "s");
        // TODO: Publish json status as well.
        String json = "{'" + name + "-duration':" + String(durationSeconds);
        json.concat(", '" + name + "-totalDuration':"+ String(applianceTriggers[applianceId].totalDurationSeconds));
        json.concat(", '" + name + "-times':"+ String(applianceTriggers[applianceId].triggerCount));
        Serial.println("Json: " + json);
        Particle.publish("json", json);

// Extract the temperature value from the xml
String extractTemperature(String message) {
    return extractXmlElement(message, "tmpr");

// Get the id of the sensor being reported.
int getSensor(String message) {
    //int start = message.indexOf("sensor") + 7;
    //int endString = message.indexOf("/sensor") - 1;
    String sensor = extractXmlElement(message, "sensor");
    // Sensor may be 0. or, if sensor text not valid string
    // will also return 0.
    int sensorId = sensor.toInt();
    return sensorId;

// Get the channel data for the sensor.
// most will have a single channel but the base (sensor 0)
// may have more channels if more than one clamp is fitted.
// <ch1><watts>00506</watts></ch1>
int extractChannelData(String message, int channel) {
    String channelName = "ch" + (String)channel;
    String channelData = extractXmlElement(message, channelName);
    //int start = message.indexOf(channelName) + 11;
    if (channelData != "") {
        //int endString = message.indexOf("/" + channelName) - 9;
        //String channelPower = message.substring(start, endString);
        String channelPower = extractXmlElement(channelData, "watts");
        // Each sensor has n (upto 3) channels. Ignore channels for now as 
        // typical usage is ch1.
        return channelPower.toInt();
    // Indicate error with -1 watts for the channel.
    Serial.println("No data found for sensor: ");
    return -1;

// Extract the value between two xml
// element tags
// e.g. <sensor>7</sensor>
// use tag  "sensor"
// returns "7"
String extractXmlElement(String xml, String tag) {
    int startPosition = xml.indexOf("<" + tag + ">") + tag.length() + 2;
    int endPosition = xml.indexOf("</" + tag + ">");
    if (endPosition > startPosition) {
        return xml.substring(startPosition, endPosition);
    Serial.println("End < start");
    return "";

// Publish the sensor values (power)
void publishSensorsJson() {
    // Build up the json string.
    bool hasData = false;
    json = "{'t': '" + temperature + "' ";
    for (int sensorId = 0; sensorId < MAX_SENSORS; sensorId ++) {
        SensorState sensorState = sensorStates[sensorId];
        // Only publish the sensor valur if it has a new value since last publish.
        if (!sensorState.published) {
            hasData = true;
            json.concat(",'S" + String(sensorId) + "':'" + String(sensorState.powerWatts) + "' ");
            //senml+= ",{'n':'S" + String(sensorId) + "', 'v':'" + String(sensorState.powerWatts) + "'}";
            // Include the delta if it's outside a noise range
            //if (sensorState.deltaPower > 2 || sensorState.deltaPower < -2) {
                //senml+= ",{'n':'D" + String(sensorId) + "', 'v':'" + String(sensorState.deltaPower) + "'}";
                json.concat(",'D" + String(sensorId) + "':'" + String(sensorState.deltaPower) + "' ");
            sensorStates[sensorId].published = true;
    // Only publish if we have new (unpublished) measurements
    if (hasData) {
        Serial.println("json: " + json);
        Particle.publish("json", json);

// Watch for serial data on the Tx/Rx serial pins.
void serialEvent1()
    digitalWrite(statusLed, HIGH);
    while (Serial1.available())
        char c = Serial1.read();
        // read form TC/RX serial 
    digitalWrite(statusLed, LOW);


Stephen Harrison

Stephen Harrison

18 projects • 51 followers
Founder of Tinamous.com, software developer, hardware tinkerer, dyslexic. @TinamousSteve
