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Stephen Harrison
Created February 29, 2016 © Apache-2.0

Internet Geiger Counter

Internet connected Geiger Counter. Either WiFi with a Photon or Cellular with an Electron.

Beginner1 hour241
Internet Geiger Counter

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Particle Photon
Either Photon or Electron
Particle Electron
Either Photon or Electon
Might Ohm Geiger Counter
Breadboard (generic)
Breadboard (generic)
LED (generic)
LED (generic)
Resistor 1k ohm
Resistor 1k ohm

Software apps and online services



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Fritzing breadboard layout


Geiger Counter - Electron or Photon.

You will need to manually add the PowerShield library in Particles build environment.
// This #include statement was automatically added by the Particle IDE.
#include "PowerShield/PowerShield.h"

int led = D3;
int pulsePin = D2;
int debugPin = D7;

bool hasBattery = true;

// #if PLATFORM_ID==6      // photon
// Photon specific.
PowerShield batteryMonitor;

// #if PLATFORM_ID==10      // electron
// Electron specific
FuelGauge fuel;

// interrupt/timer driven values.
int volatile countPerInterval = 0;
int volatile ledOn = 0;
bool volatile publishRadiation = false;
bool volatile shuffleAverageCountsPerInterval = false;

int loopDelay = 10;

int lastCountPerInterval = 0;

const int maxPointsPerInterval = 60;
int countsPerInterval[maxPointsPerInterval]; // = {0,0,0,0,0,0};

// Current CPM value readable as a variable
// rather than being published
// so it's available for IFTTT
int cpm = 0;

// If raised/high level radiation alert sent
// 0 = normal
// 1 = raised
// 2 = high
int alertSent = 0;

// Photon - publish every n seconds
int publishInterval = 10;
// Electorn - publish every n minutes
int publishInterval = 10 * 60;

Timer publishRadiationTimer(publishInterval * 1000, publishRadiationTick);

// Every second shuffle the buckets and update the average CPM.
Timer updateAveragesTimer(1000, shuffleAverageCountsPerIntervalTick);

// This routine runs only once upon reset
void setup()
    // Take control of the RGB LED
    RGB.color(255, 0, 255);

    // Initialize pins
    pinMode(pulsePin, INPUT_PULLDOWN);
    pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(debugPin, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite(debugPin, HIGH);
    // initialise the averaging array
    for (int i  = 0; i<maxPointsPerInterval; i++) {
        countsPerInterval[i] =0;
    // Particle variables to allow reading by IFTTT etc.
    Particle.variable("cpm", cpm);

    // Setup I2C bus (used for battery monitor)
    // Start the timers...
    if (hasBattery) {
        // Photon.
        int batteryVersion = batteryMonitor.getVersion();
    Particle.publish("Status","Geiger setup complete. V1.3.0. Publish Interval: " + String(publishInterval) + "s");
    // Once we are ready to start monitoring the radiation, connect up the 
    // pulse sense pin interrupt.
    RGB.color(0, 255, 0);
    attachInterrupt(pulsePin, pulseReceived, RISING);
    digitalWrite(debugPin, LOW);

// This routine loops forever
void loop()
    // Switch the radiation LED on if a pulse is detected.
    // ledOn value is  decreased until it gets to 0 to allow
    // for a longer LED pulse than the loop cycle.
    if (ledOn > 0) {
        digitalWrite(led, HIGH);
    } else {
        digitalWrite(led, LOW);
        ledOn = 0;
    // Update the RGB LED for the current radiaiton level
    // Ever n seconds shuffle the counter per interval array down one
    // to keep a running average and so we can compute the CPM (Counts
    // per Minute))
    if (shuffleAverageCountsPerInterval) {
        shuffleAverageCountsPerInterval = false;
    // This is set high when the processRadiationTimer timer fires.
    if (publishRadiation) {
        publishRadiation = false;
    // Delay by about 10ms.

// If high level or radiation (well slightly higher than normal) 
// make the RGB LED red.
// for intermediate set to yellow, 
// Otherwise for low radiation level set the LED to green.
void updateRadiationIndicator() {
    if (cpm > 500) {
        if (alertSent != 2) {
            Particle.publish("Status", "Warning high radiation level detected!");
            alertSent = 2;
        RGB.color(255, 0, 0);
    } else if (cpm > 50) {
        if (alertSent != 1) {
            Particle.publish("Status", "Raised radiation level detected.");
            alertSent = 1;
        RGB.color(128, 128, 0);
    } else {
        if (alertSent != 0) {
            Particle.publish("Status", "Radiation alarm cleared.");
            alertSent = 0;
        RGB.color(0, 255, 0);

// Timer called every 10 seconds
void publishRadiationValues () {
    digitalWrite(debugPin, HIGH);
    String senml = "{'n':'cpm','v':'" + String(cpm) + "'}";
    senml += ",{'n':'cpi','v':'" + String(lastCountPerInterval) + "'}";
    senml += ",{'n':'interval','v':'" + String(publishInterval) + "'}";
    senml += getPhotonStats();
    senml += getElectronStats();
    Particle.publish("senml", "{e:[" + senml + "]}");
    // Delay to allow the debug pin flash
    // to be seen.
    digitalWrite(debugPin, LOW);

// Get SenML stats about the Electron
// i.e. the battery level, signal stength
String getElectronStats() {
    String senml = "";
    #if Wiring_Cellular
        CellularSignal signalStrength = Cellular.RSSI();
        senml += ",{'n':'rssi','v':'" + String(signalStrength.rssi) + "'}";
        senml += ",{'n':'qual','v':'" + String(signalStrength.qual) + "'}";
    #if PLATFORM_ID==10 
        // % of charge (0-100)
        float soc = fuel.getSoC();
        float vcell = fuel.getVCell();
        senml += ",{'n':'vcell','v':'" + String(vcell) + "'}";
        senml += ",{'n':'soc','v':'" + String(soc) + "'}";
    return senml;

// Get SenML stats about the photon 
// i.e. the battery level.
String getPhotonStats() {
    String senml = "";
    // If photon, use the power shield to get the battery state.
    // it might not be repsent.
    #if PLATFORM_ID==6
    float cellVoltage = batteryMonitor.getVCell();
    float stateOfCharge = batteryMonitor.getSoC();
    senml += ",{'n':'vcell','v':'" + String(cellVoltage) + "'}";
    senml += ",{'n':'soc','v':'" + String(stateOfCharge) + "'}";
    // Devices other than photon use WiFi so 
    // in case we are one one of them (e.g. P1)
    #if Wiring_WiFi
        // WiFi signal strength
        int rssi = WiFi.RSSI();
        senml += ",{'n':'rssi','v':'" + String(rssi) + "'}";
    return senml;

// Once per second shuffle the counts per interval down one
// to give us a 1 minute 60 point average of all the counts.
void doShuffleAverageCountsPerInterval() {

    // Compute the current cpm value whilst we are at it.)
    // NB: this works because the counterPerInterval array
    // is 60 1 second intervals long.
    int currentCpm = 0;
    // Shuffle average array down to make way for the new point
    for (int i=0; i<maxPointsPerInterval-1; i++) {
        countsPerInterval[i] = countsPerInterval[i+1];
    // Store the latest reading in the last array position.
    // and reset the value for a new count per interval.
    countsPerInterval[maxPointsPerInterval-1] = countPerInterval;
    lastCountPerInterval = countPerInterval;
    countPerInterval = 0;
    // store the current cpm value 
    // in a variable that 
    cpm = currentCpm;

// Compute the total (sum) of all the counts per second.
// NB: for the first minute the cpm total will be low
// due to 0 average points.
int computeTotalCounts() {
    int totalCounts = 0;
    for (int i=0; i < maxPointsPerInterval; i++) {
    return totalCounts;

// Radiation pulse received.
// ISR.
void pulseReceived() {
    // How many loops the LED should be on for.
    ledOn = 2;

void publishRadiationTick() {
    publishRadiation = true;

void shuffleAverageCountsPerIntervalTick() {
    shuffleAverageCountsPerInterval = true;


Stephen Harrison
18 projects • 51 followers
Founder of Tinamous.com, software developer, hardware tinkerer, dyslexic. @TinamousSteve
Thanks to MightOhm.


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