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Simple Joystick with LED

A simple joystick project controlling LEDs.

BeginnerShowcase (no instructions)4,887
Simple Joystick with LED

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
SparkFun Thumb Joystick Breakout
SparkFun Thumb Joystick Breakout
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
Resistor 10k ohm
Resistor 10k ohm
Breadboard (generic)
Breadboard (generic)
LED (generic)
LED (generic)
USB-A to B Cable
USB-A to B Cable

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


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Diagram For Joystick

It is a diagram for the thumb joystick, this does not include the led's


Arduino Thumb Joystick

The code file for the whole project
int UD = 0;
int LR = 0;
int DWN = 13;
int UP = 12;
int LEFT = 11;
int RT = 10;
int IUP=A0;
int ILR=A1;
int MID = 10;
int LRMID = 0;
int UPMID = 0;

void setup(){

pinMode(DWN, OUTPUT);
pinMode(UP, OUTPUT);
pinMode(LEFT, OUTPUT);
pinMode(RT, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(DWN, HIGH);
digitalWrite(UP, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LEFT, HIGH);
digitalWrite(RT, HIGH);
LRMID = analogRead(ILR);
UPMID = analogRead(IUP); }

void loop(){

UD = analogRead(IUP);
LR = analogRead(ILR);

if(UD < UPMID - MID){
digitalWrite(DWN, HIGH);
digitalWrite(DWN, LOW);

if(UD > UPMID + MID)
{ digitalWrite(UP, HIGH);
digitalWrite(UP, LOW);

if(LR < LRMID - MID){
digitalWrite(LEFT, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LEFT, LOW);

if(LR > LRMID + MID){
digitalWrite(RT, HIGH);
digitalWrite(RT, LOW);



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