Lego Arduino Tutorial for kids - the Blink sketch with Lego VideotronicMaker. A Lego animated tutorial given by a Lego. Both kids and adults might enjoy this beginner Arduino lesson. The basic blink sketch presented in what I hope is, an engaging and entertaining way for kids big and small.
INSPIRATIONAfter I realized that Legos and Arduinos work well together I got inspired to make a pixilation Lego tutorial. This was a lot of fun and I hope to continue this series. As I continue to learn physical computing I hope to create tutorials that are more engaging. Just like the projects I find here on, every video I create as a tutorial is a prototype for a better build/video.
THE HEART OF ITAt the foundation of the Arduino, Hackster and Maker community is the open source philosophy. Along with that comes the natural instinct to create tutorials and videos with others so that everyone can learn. That is what I discovered when I first came to this hub (Arduino and Hackster.) That is the idea behind the videos I have been making. I learn from other's videos and then I share what I learn in my own way.
ARDUINO UNO CASEIn the process of creating this tutorial I decided to make a Lego case for my Uno. Lego cases for your boards are very easy to make. As a matter of fact, its so easy even a child can do it!