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Anirudha Gaikwad
Published © GPL3+

Grove - Offline Voice recognition sensor

Grove - Offline Voice recognition module is a cost-effective, accurate, and Low powered sensor that can recognize up to 150 voice commands!

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Grove - Offline Voice recognition sensor

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Seeed Studio Grove Offline voice recognition Module


Read more

Custom parts and enclosures

Altium Library for VC-02

Import Directly in Altium


Grove Offline Recognition Module - Serial Test code

D5 <----> RX
D6 <-----> TX


Designed by Anirudha Gaikwad, @_ro.box_ 

Grove Offline Voice Recognition Module designed by me communicates over UART,
This code prints the HEX values sent by module over UART, 
List of commands: https://docs.ai-thinker.com/_media/vc-02_v1.0.0_specification.pdf



#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

#define SOFTWARE_RX 5   //RX connection of Grove Offline Voice Recognition Module
#define SOFTWARE_TX 6   //TX connection of Grove Offline Voice Recognition Module

SoftwareSerial Grove_Sensor(SOFTWARE_RX, SOFTWARE_TX); // RX, TX

void setup() 
  // Open serial communications and wait for port to open:
  while (!Serial); // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for native USB port only , This port is for displaying data Grove Sensor sends

  Serial.println("USB Serial Port connection Established!");

  // Set the data rate for the SoftwareSerial port - Grove Offline Voice Recognition Module runs at 115200 baud rate


void loop() 
  if (Grove_Sensor.available()) 


Anirudha Gaikwad

Anirudha Gaikwad

4 projects • 3 followers
Hobbyist , Content based on Robotics, electronics, PCB designing.
