If you want to create something useful and brilliant that involves programming and you don't know much about how to code or you don't have much time or interest to spend on coding or you want to realize your developed piece of code quickly then this article is for you.
Her we take you through the various examples that guide you how to interface with popular hardware devices with Arduino using CASP. Following are the current list of examples.
1. Interfacing with digital inputs and digital outputs
2. Interfacing with digital input interrupts & with 7-segmented display
3. Interfacing with ADC, PWM and DAC
5. Interfacing with Stepper Motor
6. Interfacing with IMU – MPU-6050
7. Interfacing with Ultrasonic Distance Sensor
8. Interfacing with LiDAR TFMini
10. Interfacing with 8×8 Dot Matrix Display
11. Interfacing with OLED Display
12. Interfacing with SD Card Module
13. Interfacing with NEO-6M GPS Module
14. Interfacing with USB camera, IP camera and an ESP32 CAM
The download links for above examples are available on this page - https://aadhuniklabs.com/?page_id=2082
You can download the software here https://aadhuniklabs.com/?page_id=550. Please go through our video tutorials on how to get started with CASP.
Please note that the above list may get updated in the future.
If your favorite device is not available is the above list, you may develop your own code for interfacing with the device. Please follow the below links that guide you to create your own code
- https://aadhuniklabs.com/casp/casp_web_examples/general/01_custom_logic/doc/index.htm
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