Abdullah Sadiq
Published © GPL3+

Smart Home Controller using PSoC and LinkIt ONE

Using PSoC and LinkIt ONE send analog sensor values to Blynk and then, with the power of IFTTT control your smart devices based on the data!

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Things used in this project

Hardware components

PSoC Analog Coprocessor Pioneer Kit
Cypress PSoC Analog Coprocessor Pioneer Kit
Grove Starter Kit for LinkIt ONE
Seeed Studio Grove Starter Kit for LinkIt ONE
I had the Grove kit for the Arduino 101 so I used that. As long as the modules are same there's no problem.
FT1235 5W transmitter
FT1236 5W receiver

Software apps and online services

Maker service
IFTTT Maker service
PSoC Creator
Cypress PSoC Creator

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)


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Custom parts and enclosures



Environment Sensing Demo Schematic

This is the PSoC Schematic for the Environment sensing demo and are not created by me. I got them from Michiyuki Yoneda from Cypress and modified them to work with UART


Smart Home Controller

Using PSoC and LinkIt ONE send analog sensor values to Blynk and then, with the power of IFTTT control your smart devices based on the data!


Abdullah Sadiq
10 projects • 78 followers
Biomedical Engineer
