Hey whats up Guys! Akarsh here from CETech.
Today we are going to make a Wi-Fi Jammer or a deauther using an ESP8266 board. Watch the video on my channel to see the board in action!
I also added a LiPo battery to the ESP8266 board so that it becomes a portable machine that can fit into a pocket and can be taken and used anywhere wirelessly
Lets start with the project now
DisclaimerThis project is a proof of concept for testing and educational purposes.Neither the ESP8266, nor its SDK was meant or built for such purposes. Bugs can occur!
Use it only against your own networks and devices!Please check the legal regulations in your country before using it.I don't take any responsibility for what you do with this program.
Step 1: PartsTo make this you will need an ESP8266 board and you can also add a battery if you want.
I suggest to use a NodeMCU style board, I used Firebeetle board from DFRobot as it has on board battery charging and monitoring solution.
I would also recommend using a PCB to make the project so that adding battery/OLED display/switch/esp8266 doesnt remain difficult. You can order your PCBs from PCBWAY as they offer 10 PCBs for just 5$. Check out their online Gerber viewer function.
Download the Arduino IDE from here
1. Install the Arduino IDE and open it.
2. Go to File > Preferences
3. Add http://arduino.esp8266.com/stable/package_esp8266com_index.json to the Additional Boards Manager URLs.
4. Go to Tools > Board > Boards Manager
5. Search for esp8266 and then install the board.
6. Restart the IDE.
Step 3: Coding the module1. Download the repository(Release Version 1.5): https://github.com/akarsh98/esp8266_deauther
2. Extract the downloaded folder and navigate to the following path to open the the file in Arduino IDE. esp8266_deauther-master/esp8266_deauther/esp8266_deauther.ino
3. Navigate to Tools > Board. Select the appropriate board that you are using NodeMCU(12E) works in most of the cases.
5. Select the correct comm. port by going to Tools > Port.
6. Hit the upload button.
7. When the tab says Done Uploading you are ready to use the device.
1. Connect the module with a power supply using the micro USB connector on board or just switch on the switch if you have connected a battery like I have done.
2. As soon as the module is connected a WiFi named pwned will be hosted. You will have to connect to this WiFi network using a phone or a laptop and enter password as deauther.
3. When connected to the device, open an internet browser and navigate to This is the main website from where you can control everything
4. Now select the WiFi network you want to attack.
5. Move over to the attack tab and select the type of attack you want to perform as:
6. CONGO! the device is working as expected.
Step 5: My deviceI added a battery and a switch and hot glued everything.
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