Allan Gallop
Published © Apache-2.0

IOT2020 Access Control

Integrate a Weigand-26 RFID reader with an IOT2020 for cloud-based door access control and monitoring using Node-Red.

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IOT2020 Access Control

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Siemens SIMATIC IOT2020
Arduino 4 Relays Shield
Arduino 4 Relays Shield
Weigand 26bit Reader
12v Magnetic Lock
Arduino Nano R3
Arduino Nano R3
12V/29A Power Supply
OpenBuilds 12V/29A Power Supply
Ethernet Cable

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE
Apache Web Server

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Wire Strippers
Screw Driver


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Node Red Template

Basic blocks here are quite simple, our first input is a Serial block listening to our arduino via ttyS0, upon reading a card number it is formatted as a GET request and sent to our webserver. Depending on the response from the server (bit value) we trigger the lock & green LED on the reader panel or the trigger a pulse to the red LED

Arduino (Weigand - Serial) layout

Connect pins 1&2 (Serial Tx/Rx) to pin 1&2 of the relay shield [IOT2020]. Pins 2&3 connect to the reader clock and data pins respectfully.

Relay Shield Connections

PHP Sample Script


Arduino (Weigand - Serial) Convertor

Arduino sketch for converting Weigand 26bit to serial logic for use with the IOT2020. Based on work by Daniel Smith (
 * HID RFID Reader Wiegand Interface for Arduino Uno
 * Written by Daniel Smith, 2012.01.30
#define MAX_BITS 100                // max number of bits
#define WEIGAND_WAIT_TIME  3000      // time to wait for another weigand pulse. 
unsigned char databits[MAX_BITS];    // stores all of the data bits
unsigned char bitCount;              // number of bits currently captured
unsigned char flagDone;              // goes low when data is currently being captured
unsigned int weigand_counter;        // countdown until we assume there are no more bits
unsigned long facilityCode=0;        // decoded facility code
unsigned long cardCode=0;            // decoded card code
void ISR_INT0()
  flagDone = 0;
  weigand_counter = WEIGAND_WAIT_TIME; 
void ISR_INT1()
  databits[bitCount] = 1;
  flagDone = 0;
  weigand_counter = WEIGAND_WAIT_TIME; 
void setup()
  digitalWrite(2, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(3, HIGH);
  pinMode(2, INPUT);     // DATA0 (INT0)
  pinMode(3, INPUT);     // DATA1 (INT1)

  digitalWrite(2, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(3, HIGH);

  attachInterrupt(0, ISR_INT0, FALLING); 
  attachInterrupt(1, ISR_INT1, FALLING);
  weigand_counter = WEIGAND_WAIT_TIME;
void loop()
  if (!flagDone) {
    if (--weigand_counter == 0)
      flagDone = 1; 

  if (bitCount > 0 && flagDone) {
    unsigned char i;
    if (bitCount >= 26)
      for (i=2; i<14; i++)
         facilityCode <<=1;
         facilityCode |= databits[i];
      // card code = bits 15 to 34
      for (i=74; i<100; i++)
         cardCode <<=1;
         cardCode |= databits[i];
     bitCount = 0;
     facilityCode = 0;
     cardCode = 0;
     for (i=0; i<MAX_BITS; i++)
       databits[i] = 0;
void printBits()


Allan Gallop

Allan Gallop

0 projects • 3 followers
Engineer, systems developer and linux guy.
