This summer Alex tried growing five plants in his backyard. The sunlight was strong enough, and he was pretty sure the soil quality was also good. But he didn't pay enough attention to water them regularly. And the consequence was that two out of the five plants died. He was frustrated and decided on not trying to grow anything from next year. If you can identify yourself with Alex, then wait before you give up. Our project "Green Garden" can help you with your hobby of growing plants even in your busy schedule.
Green Garden (GG) is the self-automation system that supplies plants with water, warmth, nutrients and also makes them continue to grow in places without sun exposure. Each plant requires special approach. The Green Garden is able to manually set up necessary configuration, all 4 options (water, temperature, nutrients, RGB light) to support vital plant functions. GG stimulates the growth of the plants as well and without any chemicals! Our system makes it possible to grow up to 1.5 meters high plants in the city apartments without hassle!
Our approach to hack the problem is as follows:
Step 1: Set up Intel Edison with Arduino expansion board.
- Light Sensor
- Temperature Sensor
- Humidity Sensor
- Soil Moisture Sensor
- To measure the content of the moisture in the soil a soil moisture sensor is used and it is calibrated using the Voltage divider rule and the A to D conversion which converts voltage into a binary number. The sensor was tested with the two probes of the sensor not at all immersed in was water and the value obtained in that case was 0 and was also tested having the two probes immersed completely in water and the value obtained in that case is 300. So we calibrated our sensor in the range of 0-300.
- The light sensor is calibrated based on the same voltage divider rule and A to D conversion. It can be calibrated using the Lux meter, and that will have a range of 0 to 1023.
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