Do you ever suddenly get the chills, so you check the temperature inside your room to make sure you’re not paranoid but then realize you don’t have any way to check? Or when the weather station’s predictions just seem too good to be true, so you double check the forecast for the nearest major city which doesn't tell you anything about the weather directly around you?
Well, a simple DIY Weather Station can solve both of those problems, and all you need is a Raspberry Pi, some sensors, and an easy-to-use IoT platform to make it! Once you have this project in your life, you’ll never have to worry about whether it’s the weather or you that’s cold.
Setting up Raspberry PiThis project runs using two sensors: the DHT11 Humiture sensor and the BMP280 Barometer. Most of my code I got from Sunfounder’s GitHub. The two lessons used from their website were Lesson 28 Humiture and Lesson 31 Barometer, which are used in my and files, which allows us to retrieve the sensor data from the BMP280 and DHT11.
Connect the Raspberry Pi and the two sensors as shown in the schematics diagram below. In my project I added a Duel-color LED to alert me of hot temperatures (which I set as above 25℃).
The file collects data from the files and exports it as JSON data. But where should we send all this precious data about the humidity around us, the temperature in the room, or even the air pressure?
Intro to uBeacWhat if we send this JSON data that contains everything from our sensors to an adaptive, versatile IoT platform that can help us visualize our data in an easy-to-understand IoT dashboard. If that’s what you want, then let me introduce uBeac! Although still in beta version, it can do all of the above functions and more, such as let you revisit past data, display the data through various widgets, and other things that you as the user can discover.
Setting up IoT PlatformTo setup your free account with uBeac, I recommend following the instructions found on one of my previous posts: “How to Monitor your Computer with uBeac.” The process is similar except for the code being executed. The dashboard on the bottom is one example of what your weather station could look like with the given sensors.
You can add more and more sensors and uBeac will allow you to view them all! Create multiple weather stations for all the rooms in your home and monitor them all on one dashboard. That way if you ever feel your chills again, you can just shift over to the warmer room.
If you have any neat ideas we can use uBeac with feel free to leave them in the comments below. Happy connecting!