This is the project for measuring the intensity of light by using Light Dependent Resistor(LDR)
The internal resistance of LDR changes depending upon the light. If LDR is placed in dark area its internal resistance is very high. When light falls upon it, it reduces it's resistance.
We are using it to measure the intensity of light of a particular area.In this project in which we measure the intensity of light & visualized the data in the form of Graph.
DescriptionStep 1:
Connect the LDR one terminal to 3v3 of Bolt IoT.
Step 2:
Connect another terminal of LDR & one terminal of 10kohm resistor to A0 pin of the Bolt IoT.
Step 3:
Connect the another terminal of resistor to GND pin of Bolt Module.
Step 4:
Open the bolt cloud & click on Product menu .Then click on add product.
Step 5:
Give a suitable product name & product icon.
What would you like to connect to your Bolt? 📷
set to Input devices .
How would you like to collect data? 📷
set to GPIO .
Step 6:
Then click on configure to Product.
set the code:
Then Click on Save .
Step 7:
Now Click on link button
After linking Click on Deploy Button
After all setup click on view .The value update after each 5 minutes & graph is plotted according to the update value.
See the video:- For changing to bar Graph you just only change the third line code to setChartType('barGraph');
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