Ever wondered how people used to communicate in early times?! I guess you might have heard about Morse Code.
It’s a universal binary language consisting of only two symbols: A dot (.) and a dash( _ ).
Wondering how can a conversation take place using only a dot or a dash? Here is your answer.
Sometimes in natural calamities such as earthquakes and tsunamis, the phone lines and all form of modern communication stops working. In that intense situation things like HAM radios are used to communicate over some particular allotted frequencies. People generally record Morse Code Distress signals and send it as it is a universally recognized communication format. The ability to understand and decode Morse code in these times can be extremely helpful and can in turn save lives. Well if you want to learn more about Morse code you can check out these links:
1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morse_code
2. https://www.wikihow.com/Learn-Morse-Code
Now let’s move on to the project.
CPO- Code Practice Oscillator
As the name suggests, this simple device is used to communicate and generate dots and dashes using a Buzzer and a simple circuit consisting of a 555 Timer IC. This device can be used to generate Morse signals without wasting precious time. It is very simple to use and can be very easily made using some basic electronic components.
Let’s take a look at the Circuit:
The PCB was designed in Eagle CAD and fabricated using the Toner Transfer Methods.
The circuit consists of a 555 timer IC which produces a square wave of a particular frequency and a push button which is used to produce the sounds which corresponds to either a dot or a dash. An onboard LED is also present which is used to indicate when the button is pressed so that a deaf person can also use the device without any issues. It is powered by a household battery hence does not require electricity.
Shown below is the Board Layout:
A zero PCB can also be used to manually solder the circuit if you cannot access Eagle CAD. The circuit is pretty simple!
So that’s it for the CPO.
You can either make this device as hobby to learn Morse code or use it for more serious purposes! Regardless, this is a good exercise for Electronics enthusiasts and hobbyists! Have fun. 🙂
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