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Aula πŸ’‘πŸ•ŠοΈ
Published © MIT

Plant Monitoring and Watering System Using Hexabitz

Set up your Pi to automatically take care of your plant by reading a moisture & weight data from Hexabitz modules, and watering when needed.

IntermediateFull instructions provided2 hours1,952
Plant Monitoring and Watering System Using Hexabitz

Things used in this project

Hardware components

4-Pin USB-Serial Prototype Cable
Hexabitz 4-Pin USB-Serial Prototype Cable
Hexabitz BitzClamp
Raspberry Pi Interface Module (HF1R0x)
Hexabitz Raspberry Pi Interface Module (HF1R0x)
Load Cell (Strain Gauge) Sensor Module (H26R00)
Hexabitz Load Cell (Strain Gauge) Sensor Module (H26R00)
STLINK-V3MODS Programmer (H40Rx)
Hexabitz STLINK-V3MODS Programmer (H40Rx)
SPDT Mechanical DC Relay (H0FR1x)
Hexabitz SPDT Mechanical DC Relay (H0FR1x)
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
Rechargeable Battery, Lithium Ion
Rechargeable Battery, Lithium Ion
Adafruit 6-12 V DC water pump
Gravity: Analog Soil Moisture Sensor For Arduino
DFRobot Gravity: Analog Soil Moisture Sensor For Arduino
Elecrow Skip to the end of the images gallery Skip to the beginning of the images gallery Multi 3 in 1 keychain USB cable Micro Usb Type C iOS Port Charging Cables

Software apps and online services

STMicroelectronics STM32CUBEPROG

Hand tools and fabrication machines

5V / 8W Portable USB Soldering Iron
Hexabitz 5V / 8W Portable USB Soldering Iron
E-Z-Hook Programming Kit
Hexabitz E-Z-Hook Programming Kit
Solder Wire, Lead Free
Solder Wire, Lead Free


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SPDT Mechanical DC Relay (H0FR1x) code

 BitzOS (BOS) V0.2.5 - Copyright (C) 2017-2021 Hexabitz
 All rights reserved

 File Name     : main.c
 Description   : Main program body.
/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "BOS.h"
float x;
/* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
volatile int lock;
/* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/

/* Main function ------------------------------------------------------------*/

int main(void){

	Module_Init();		//Initialize Module &  BitzOS

	//Don't place your code here.


/* User Task */
void UserTask(void *argument){
	AddBOSvar(FMT_FLOAT , (uint32_t) &lock );
		ReadADCChannel(2,"top", &x);

								if ( x > 3000.0 && x < 4060.0 && lock ==0)
									Output_off ( );
								else if (x < 2500.0 && lock ==0) {

									Output_on (20000);



Load Cell Sensor (H26R0x) code **

 BitzOS (BOS) V0.2.5 - Copyright (C) 2017-2021 Hexabitz
 All rights reserved

 File Name     : main.c
 Description   : Main program body.
/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "BOS.h"

/* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
//float x;
int lock = 0;
float Weight;
float timeout ;
/* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/

/* Main function ------------------------------------------------------------*/

int main(void){

	Module_Init();		//Initialize Module &  BitzOS

	//Don't place your code here.


/* User Task */
void UserTask(void *argument){

	Calibration(20, 1.9242, 0.0094);
	AddBOSvar(FMT_FLOAT, (uint32_t) &lock );

	// put your code here, to run repeatedly.
		Weight = SampleGram(1);
		//ReadADCChannel(2,"top", &x);
		lock = 0;
				if (Weight < 120.0 && Weight > 50.0 && lock != 1)
				lock = 1;
				timeout = 10000.0;
				memcpy(&messageParams[0], &timeout, 4);
				SendMessageToModule(2, CODE_H0FRx_ON, 4);

				else if (Weight >= 120.0 && Weight <150.0 && lock != 2)
				lock = 2;
				timeout = 2000.0;
				memcpy(&messageParams[0], &timeout, 4);
				SendMessageToModule(2, CODE_H0FRx_ON, 4);
				else if ( Weight >150.0  && lock != 3 )
				lock = 3;
				SendMessageToModule(2, CODE_H0FRx_OFF, 0);

				WriteRemote(2,(uint32_t) &lock, 1, FMT_FLOAT,0);




    BitzOS (BOS) V0.2.5 - Copyright (C) 2017-2021 Hexabitz
    All rights reserved

    File Name     : topology.h
    Description   : Array topology definition.

/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
#ifndef __topology_1_H
#define __topology_1_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
 extern "C" {

/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "stm32f0xx_hal.h"

#define __N	2				// Number of array modules

// Array modules
#define _mod1	1<<3
#define _mod2	2<<3

// Topology
static uint16_t array[__N][7] = {
{ _H26R0, 0, 0, _mod2|P5, 0, 0, 0},									        // Module 1
{ _H0FR1, 0, 0, 0, 0, _mod1|P3, 0},									        // Module 2

// Configurations for duplex serial ports
#if ( _module == 1 )
	#define	H26R0	1
	#define	_P1pol_normal	1
	#define	_P2pol_normal	1
	#define	_P3pol_reversed	1
	#define	_P4pol_normal	1
	#define	_P5pol_normal	1
	#define	_P6pol_normal	1
#if ( _module == 2 )
	#define	H0FR1	1
	#define	_P1pol_normal	1
	#define	_P2pol_normal	1
	#define	_P3pol_normal	1
	#define	_P4pol_normal	1
	#define	_P5pol_normal	1
	#define	_P6pol_normal	1

#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /*__ topology_H */

/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT HEXABITZ *****END OF FILE****/

SPDT Mechanical DC Relay (H0FR1x) Firmware

Load Cell Sensor (H26R0x) Firmware

HF1R0x-Firmware 0.2.0


Aula πŸ’‘πŸ•ŠοΈ

Aula πŸ’‘πŸ•ŠοΈ

55 projects β€’ 216 followers
Electronic Engineering
