Meet Smart Plant, auto-waters when soil is dry, its pump glows blue, and ambient lights change color based on air quality.
A smart flower pot, powered by a Photon 2, that monitors conditions in the room, and automatically waters and lights the plant.
Set up your Pi to automatically take care of a house plant by reading a moisture sensor and watering when needed.
Another indoor greenhouse powered by Nano. 100% controlled environment with some extra perks that make life easier.
Android application monitoring system for GreenHouse, several sensors for reading data and send to application.
Log humidity, automatic irrigate, switch plant growing lamp on and voice control everything with Amazon Alexa and Arduino.
This simple beginner project makes an excellent tool for everyday applications, utilising a common LM35 temperature sensor and an Arduino.
An automated, smart, self-contained growing system that cultivates plants from seed to maturity!
A self-made (cheap) water level sensor and water level indicator to measure 5 water levels in a reservoir tank.
When the soil is dry, Arduino will command the water pump to run. Our plant is absolutely cheerful anytime!
Soil moisture sensor which gives you LCD display of percentage of moisture.
Spending 100 times more time fiddling with this contraption than I would have just watering plants.
Smart Garden is a plant environmental monitoring system.
An other double plant watering version, now with more autonomy and less power consumption.
Many publications exist about moisture sensors for applications, e.g. plant watering systems. Making a DIY Sensor is fun and cost-saving.
This system will water your plants automatically, monitor the level of the water reservoir and will keep your plants happy on many aspects.
My project aims to create a Smart Plant Monitor for Sustainable Urban Farming that promotes sustainable urban agriculture globally.
Intelligently irrigate your yard or garden with dynamic water cycles, rain detection, sunrise detection, and when it's warm enough.
Frustrated with the prices for high quality grow light systems? Let's design a fully controllable, easy to adjust, open-source LED panel.
This is an automatic system controlled by an Arduino 101 that improves plant quality in our modern, urban society.
The smart planter that turns your plant into pet.
Monitor the sunlight and water content of your plants and get alerts when you need to act. No coding. Just drag and drop the logic.
This project will calculate the water content of soil around a plant by measuring the dielectric constant.
This GrowBox Controller handles temperature, humidity, fan and lights, and configuration is made via web server. CSV logs and remote cloud!