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Arduino ESP32 DIY Water Level Sensor and DIY Level Indicator

A self-made (cheap) water level sensor and water level indicator to measure 5 water levels in a reservoir tank.

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Arduino ESP32 DIY Water Level Sensor and DIY Level Indicator

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Water Level Sensor
DIY, for details see project description
Water Level Indicator
DIY, for details see project description
NodeMCU ESP 32
Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
As an alternative to the ESP 32
Resistor 680 k Ohm
Capacitor 1 nF
Capacitor 220 nF

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


Read more

Custom parts and enclosures

template for Water Level Indicator

template for drilling holes and printing text for the Water Level Indicator


Water Level Sensor and Level Indicator

This diagram shows the set up of a system for measuring waterlevels with a DIY sensor and a display for level indication in combination with an ARDUINO



ARDUINO Sketch for DIY Water Level Sensor and DIY Water Level Indicator with 5 levels running on a ESP 32 or ARDUINO UNO or similar (with small modifications)
  This code for a WaterLevel sensor and a WaterLevel Indicator has been developed and produced by Pierre Pennings (December 2018)
  This application can be used for various situations where information about the level of water in a reservoir tank is required
  e.g. in automatic plant watering systems or in caravans or campers where there is no direct visibility on the water reserve in the tank.  
  The DIY WaterLevelSensor uses 6 pieces of copper electricity wire connected to a ladder network of 680K Ohm resistors
  The DIY WaterLevel Indicator is made with 5 (Neopixel) SMD5050 LEDs with WS2812B controller chips powered with 5 V
  Every individual LED is adressed from one ARDUINO output pin and the control adress determined by the measured WaterLevel
  The WaterLevel is measured periodically (during only 200 mili seconds, to avoid corrosion due to electrolysis effects)
  The WaterLevel Indicator is set to the measured water level
  The measured WaterLevelValues are not distributed linearly but follow a second grade polynomial
  Reference values for the measurements are stored in an Array called LEVELarray[] consisting of 6 positions
  The actual measured WaterLevelValues are compared with the values in the Array and consquently the Water level is determined
  For this Project, which is part of a bigger plan, an ESP 32 (NodeMCU) is used with 12 Bits ADCs, however an normal ARDUINO UNO (or almost any other model) will do the job
  (of course the settings in the code will need to be adjusted, e.g. due to 10 Bits ADC and different Pin allocations
  The ESP 32 device works at 3.3 Volt levels, while the WaterLevel Indicator runs on 5 V
  The 5 Level LEDs have been built in a separate indicator Display (indicating 1%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% levels)
  The ESP 32 is fed with 5 V power (from a 5V adaptor or 5v powerbank), it has an on-board 3.3V voltage regulator
  The 5 indicator LEDs get the 5V supply directly from the 5 volt pin of the ESP 32 
  This code is licensed under GPL3+ license.

#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>
#define NUM_LEDS  5

///////////////////////////////////////////////// initialise the GPIO pins
const int output27 = 27;                       // pin 27 sends a "0"  or "1" (0 -3.3 V) to the waterlevel measurement circuit
const int LevelSensorPin = 34;                 // 12 bits ADC pin 34 senses the voltage level of the waterlevel sensor (values 0 - 4095)
const int IndicatorPin = 16;                   // pin 16 sends the control data to the LED WaterLevel Indicator

int WaterLevelValue = 0;                        // Variable to store the value of the Waterlevel sensor
int level = 0;                                  // Variable of the WaterLevel

//                      0    1    2    3    4    5
int LEVELarray [6] = {1125,1245,1450,1720,2080,2630} ;    // Array with the level reference values to determine the waterlevel
                                                          // the "0" level is applicable when there is no water in the reservoir
                                                          // the "5" level is applicable when the reservoir is full 

byte color_scheme[] = {
  0, 0, 0,                  // no color/ off
  0, 200, 0,                // green
  100, 200, 0,              // yellow
  250, 150, 0,              // orange
  0, 0, 200,                // blue
  200, 0, 0                 // red

Adafruit_NeoPixel strip = Adafruit_NeoPixel(NUM_LEDS, IndicatorPin, NEO_RGB + NEO_KHZ800);

/////////////////////////////////////////////////// the setup code that follows, will run once after "Power On" or after a RESET
void setup() {
  pinMode(output27, OUTPUT);                    // Initializes the power output pin (3.3 V) for the WaterLevel Sensor circuit
  digitalWrite(output27, LOW);                  // Set output27 to LOW; this will send 0 V to the measuring circuit

  pinMode(LevelSensorPin, INPUT);               // Initializes the water level sensorpin
  pinMode(IndicatorPin, OUTPUT);                // Initializes the output pin for the WaterLevel Indicator

  strip.begin();                                 // Initialize all LEDs to "off"
  for (int t = 0; t < 5 ; t++)
    strip.setPixelColor(t, 100, 100, 100);       // After Power On the WaterLevel Indicator LEDs are tested once
    strip.show();                                // note that the order of colors of the WS2812 LED strip is R,G,B 
    delay (200);
    strip.setPixelColor(t, 0, 0, 0);             // And back to off
  for (int k = 4; k > -1 ; k--)
    strip.setPixelColor(k, 100, 100, 100);       // blink for 0,2 seconds going top down and then off
    delay (200);
    strip.setPixelColor(k, 0, 0, 0);             

/////////////////////////////////////////////////// the loop code that follows, will run repeatedly until "Power Off" or a RESET
void loop(){

  delay(1000);                            // Check for new value every 1 sec;
                                          //this value is just for demonstration purposes and will in a practical application be far less frequent
//////////////////END of LOOP////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////  

/////////////////////////////////////////////////// Hereafter follows the Function for measuring the WaterLevel (called from within the loop)

  digitalWrite(output27, HIGH);           // make pin 27 HIGH
  delay(200);                             // allow the circuit to stabilize
  WaterLevelValue = analogRead(LevelSensorPin);  //Read data from analog pin and store it to WaterLevelvalue variable

   for (int i = 0; i < 6 ; i++)
      if ((WaterLevelValue > (LEVELarray[i] * 0.96)) && (WaterLevelValue < (LEVELarray[i] * 1.04)))              // allow a margin of 4% on the measured values to eliminate jitter and noise
      level = i;
   digitalWrite(output27, LOW);           // make pin 27 LOW
   Serial.print(" LEVELarray: "); Serial.print(level); Serial.print(" = "); Serial.print(LEVELarray[level]);Serial.print("   WaterLevelValue: "); Serial.print(WaterLevelValue); Serial.print("  Level: "); Serial.println(level);
   // uncomment this code for determining the values to be put in the LEVELarray [] using the serial plotter and/or serial monitor or the ARDUINO IDE

/////////////////////////////////////////////////// Hereafter follows the Function for Indicating the WaterLevel (called from within the loop)


for (int t = 0; t < 6 ; t++)
    strip.setPixelColor(t, 0, 0, 0);           // turn off all LEDs on the WaterLevel Indicator
int redVal, greenVal, blueVal;                // Set the WaterLevel Indicator LED with a color defined in the Array color_scheme
    redVal = color_scheme[level*3];
    greenVal = color_scheme[level*3 + 1];
    blueVal = color_scheme[level*3 + 2];
    strip.setPixelColor(level-1, strip.Color(redVal, greenVal, blueVal) ); 


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