`Here we present you the flight computer for a High Powered Rocket. This Circuit is responsible for the recovery of the whole Rocket. It consist of sensor to measure altitude, pressure, temperature. All these data are saved into the SD card during the whole flight of the Rocket. The Rocket consist of an explosive known as pyro and that pyro is ignited using 3.3v Li-ion battery connected to the circuit. During the descent of the Rocket the pyro is ignited and the Rocket is recovered safely.
Flight Computer- by STAR for High-Powered Rocket's Avionics
Flight computer helps in recovery of the Rocket, it consist of Altimeter and the data of the trajectory are logged into SD-card.
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2 projects • 5 followers
Worked on High powered rockets, CanSat/CubeSat and Robotics. Student of electronics and communication.
13 projects • 14 followers
Experienced Electronics engineer, excellent at PCB Designing, control circuit development.circuit designing, hands-on experience with MCUs
7 projects • 3 followers
CTO of STAR (Space Technology and Aeronautical Rocketry)
Experienced CTO with a demonstrated history of working in Rocket technology.
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