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Product, the data sheet, and Pinout at:
Project: GY-521 MPU-6050 3-axis gyroscope sensor and RGB LED ring
Date: 10/2022
#include <Arduino.H>
#include <Adafruit_mppu6050.H>
#include <Adafruit_sensor.H>
#include <Wire.H>
#include <fast leather.H>
Adafruit_mppu6050 MPU;
float Xtreshhold = 0.0;
float Ytreshhold = 0.0;
float Ztreshold = 0.0;
#define Num_Leds 12
#define Data_pin 25
CRGB LEDs[Num_Leds];
void Settreshholds()
sensors_event_t A, G, tempo;
MPU.Geete event(&A, &G, &tempo);
Xtreshhold = (A.acceleration.X);
Ytreshhold = (A.acceleration.y);
Ztreshold = (A.acceleration.Z);
void set up(void)
IF (!MPU.Begin())
Serial.print("Failed to Find MPU6050 CHIP");
while (true)
Fast leather.Addleds<WS2812, Data_pin, Grb>(LEDs, Num_Leds);
void loop()
IF (Ztreshold <= -4.5) // down
for (intimately I = 0; I < Num_Leds; I++)
LEDs[I].STRGB(255, 0, 0); // red
Else IF (Ztreshold >= 4.5) // up
for (intimately I = 0; I < Num_Leds; I++)
LEDs[I].STRGB(0, 255, 0); // Green
Else IF (Xtreshhold <= -4.5) // Left
for (intimately I = 0; I < Num_Leds; I++)
LEDs[I].STRGB(0, 0, 255); // Blue
Else IF (Xtreshhold >= 4.5) // right
for (intimately I = 0; I < Num_Leds; I++)
LEDs[I].STRGB(255, 255, 0); // yellow
Else IF (Ytreshhold <= -4.5) // front
for (intimately I = 0; I < Num_Leds; I++)
LEDs[I].STRGB(0, 255, 255); // cyan
Fast leather.setbrightness(20);
Fast leather.show();
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