Lara Grant has produced an intuitive musical interface that fits onto your hand. Her aim was to create a gestural and expressive way of creating music and manipulating sound, away from the computer screen, knobs and controllers. She used an Intel Edison board with it’s fantastic wireless capabilities with sensors made out of Electric Paint. She explains more in her post on Instructables:
“The challenges I presented myself was to not use flex sensors and to create pressure sensitive points on the back of the hand using resistive paint and conductive fabric. This lead to a knuckle mechanism designed by JON-A-TRON and Aleator777 using trimmer potentiometers, and a homemade sensor using polyurethane, Electric Paint and conductive fabric. You can use flex sensors if you like (coupled with a voltage divider circuit), they both give out voltage resistance readings.”
Lara explains her making process and shows off the Second Skin Synth in action.
After making mock ups in different fabrics, Lara went on to cut the glove shapes out of leather. She created the components so the gloves could flex and house imbedded sensors. The knuckle actuators are 3D printed and sensors are painting with Electric Paint.
If you want the code for this project, or more information on how to create your own glove synth, head over to the Instructables website!
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