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Aman Tesfu
Published © Apache-2.0

Covid-19 Physical distance keeper and contact tracing app

It measure distance between multiple devices - if users get closer the app will record the data and exchange encrypted IDs to a server.

Covid-19 Physical distance keeper and contact tracing app

Things used in this project

Software apps and online services

Google Firebase
Well it is a good as a representer to dart all the way to end up with flutter
Good luck is a nice java script like material to develop flutter


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Covid-19 physical distance keeper and contact tracing app

The methodology in how the application operate is rather clear yet hard to explain as it is in the form a small icon per say an app- hence as an alternative to the methodology- we have tried to put in a simple and clear terms on how the application run easily. After you download and install the application from a designated app store of android or iOS type of your choice, you’ll be asked to register your full name, age and phone number. The registered information is stored thus encrypted on a Government server, and then will be passed on to State and Regional health authorities and Bureau automatically- thus in the event that someone you’ve been in contact with has tested positive It will alarm the officials and health professional on how to approach this tracing through an orderly and proper method if correctly implemented by the designated data assessors. Using Bluetooth and Local Hotspot Technologies, the application measures the distances between multiple devices and if users get closer to each other than the physical distance range recommended and set by WHO pandemic abating measures and guidelines- the application will record the data and exchange encrypted IDs. unlike other apps, our application will alert Our users to be within the physical distance range in real time by using alarm and vibration which is very helpful for a busy working class of Ethiopian community and develop scrutiny on these pertinent guidelines and rather create a both care free and careful society.


Basliel selamu

Posted by Aman Tesfu
Thanks to Sofonias manyazihal, Alazar tamiru, Medan solomon, and Amanuel tesfu.


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