Hand gesture ultrasonic game using super tiny RP2040
Sunglasses that serve an even more useful purpose than protecting the eyes of the blind. They can help them detect objects in front of them.
Take Nvidia's JetBot platform to the next level by expanding the functionality of the Jetbot API by adding new sensors and drivers.
Short and easy, read distance 2 - 400 cm and plot it in I2C OLED screen.
Make a Ultrasonic Range Detector Using Arduino and SR-04F to measure any distance without using rulers with this simple tutorial.
Use three HC-SR04 ultrasound sensors and two battery displays to show you how close the obstacles are and from which side.
A theremin made out of two ultrasonic sensors.
A simple project to make a GPS log station with data speed, max speed, distance trip and altitude. all data are write on SD card
Find the distance from one point to another faster!
A simple tutorial on getting readings from an ultrasonic sensor
Need your project to gauge distance? Here's your module!
Ultrasonic distance sensors are designed to measure distance between the source and target using ultrasonic waves.
Using the VL53LO and an Arduino for distance measurement.
This Arduino-based machine will always prepare perfect Argentine mate (traditional infused drink).
Measure distance using JSN SR-04T waterproof ultrasound module and an LCD I2C (cm/inches).
Give your mBot a LIDAR measurement hat using the MappyDot to avoid your cat, legs and furniture.
Find the location of a device, using multiple DWM1000-ESP8266 pairs, and an FPGA.
A new revision for the classic contact less instrument designed in 1920, now ready to jam with configurable scales, pitches and effects.
A low-cost stick designed for blind people that enables them to walk without any assistance.
SilverStride aims to help the elderly and old folks to keep active and healthy without any human assistance.
GrumpyHedgehog allows you to communicate with signs and movements to send keyboard commands, turn lights on/off, count people in a room...
A beginner to mid-level project utilising an inexpensive ultrasonic sensor, an Arduino and some intermediate code language.
A connected protective visor which helps to respect preventive measures against COVID-19.
This project takes a simple HC-S0R4 and adds an LCD.