How to monitor air traffic using a $20 dongle and a Raspberry Pi:
One of the most impressive things that are available with any SDR is the ability to decode transmissions directly from the aircraft. Did you ever wonder how real-time airplane apps work? Basically, airplanes send out a beacon which can be analyzed and decoded with RTL SDR.
With beame-insta-ssl you can make this service accessible from any web browser in the world and you don't even need a public IP. One feature worth showcasing is the ability to create multiple sets of credentials that can be used for hosting multiple different services on the same device or multiple devices.
$ wget
$ sudo dpkg -i mutability-repo_0.1.1_armhf.deb
Then, you can install and upgrade packages via apt-get as needed:
$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install dump1090-mutability
$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure dump1090-mutability detailed configuration
$ sudo apt-get install lighttpd && sudo lighty-enable-mod dump1090
This is actually ridiculously easy. There is even a nice configuration utility. At the end of this you should be able to access your Pi.
Using Beame-insta-sslSo this is pretty good, now let's use beame-insta-ssl to generate a special new credentials just for this web service. You can think of a cert almost like a port. But first if you have not installed beame-insta-ssl, please follow this tutorial to install it here.
You should register at:
You should already know your FQDN, or find it out using:
beame-insta-ssl creds list
Then you are ready for your new credentials:
beame-insta-ssl creds getCreds --fqdn YOUR_FQDN --name raspiat
Now using this FQDN you can set up beame-insta-ssl:
beame-insta-ssl tunnel make --dst localhost:8080 --proto http --fqdn YOUR_FQDN
To install as system service in Linux:
cd /usr/lib/node_modules/beame-insta-ssl/install/
BEAME_INSTA_SSL_USER=pi BEAME_INSTA_SSL_ARGV='tunnel 5555 http --fqdn' BEAME_INSTA_SSL_DIR=/usr/lib/node_modules/beame-insta-ssl sudo -E ./
Last (slightly annoying) step: Go to
Google Maps does not support anonymous without a key.
vim /usr/share/dump1090-mutability/html/gmap.html
Line 8:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
sudo service beame-insta-ssl status
Open your browser to
and you should see a live feed!
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