DIY custom flight simulator panels that allow a player to control their planes with a nice compact desktop panel.
As a free flying paragliding pilot, I have finally built my own simple but effective instrument that plays beep-beep during climb and so on.
Fully adjustable via sketch of Arduino NANO/UNO | Easy making from ready-made components | Non-mechanical unbreakable sensors | Strong frame
A fully autonomous fixed-wing glider designed to safely return a payload after being deployed on near-space missions.
Showing my progress in building the dashboard and flight control systems,follow up on channel and github repo to keep track:
An attempt to create a realtime "Artificial Horizon" on the M5.
In this tutorial you will learn how to visualize the motion of IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) sensor, "MPU-6050 [6DOF]" in 3D.
Variometer is instrument that indicates the changes in the altitude variations.
Detecting forest fires with a long-range autonomous airplane equipped with satellite communication.
I wanted an additional analog control in FlightGear - nice, cheap and compact.
A panel to control the pitch of a wing (or aircraft or control surface deflection) in a small wind tunnel.
Control Arduino from your smartphone or laptop using Bluetooth.
With a simple radio receiver in one hand and a Raspberry Pi in the other, we show you how to download all the flight data you'll ever need!
This project takes a Raspberry Pi, an ADS-B receiver, adds some software and a homemade antenna to track aircraft in flight.
Attitude Indicator can perfectly work on the Wio terminal, there are displaying pitch, bank, and accel. (Author:プロフィール)
Using the KV260 DPU Core & ML to Detect Birds in the Vicinity of Airport and Preventing Birds Strikes During Approach/ Landing / Take-off.
A Survey on Pollution Monitoring Using Sensor Networks
Use any RC transmitter and receiver with an RC flight simulator using Arduino Uno and UnoJoy.
Arduino and HC-05 Bluetooth Module Tutorial
Ever want to control your RC car with an airplane remote? Here's how!
Build your own DIY remote-controlled blimp for flying for sport or for commercial use.
Use Raspberry + simple RTL-SDR to monitor traffic over your location and show it off to your friends via beame-insta-ssl and ADSB recorder.
BLDC motors are generally used in RC models. Let's see how to rewind BLDC, especially drone motors!
Make your own Arduino-based distance finder.