This is a continuation of our Continual Assignment 1 with upgrades.
OverviewThe application is about a smart home thatwill have the house door unlocked via a RFID card reader. Upon unlocking thedoor the house electricty will turn on. The application will also consist of a puzzle alarm that uses 3 LED light, 3 buttons, 1 buzzer and 1 LCD Screen.
The user will be able to set the alarmthrough the web. The buzzer, which mimics the alarm sound, will buzz accordingly.
The LCD screen will then display the option to either press the left button to stop the alarm or the right button to snooze the alarm.
Upon pressing the left button to stop the alarm, the buzzer will stop buzzing and the 3 LED lights will then light up in a randomnized sequence where the userwill have to press the buttons accordingly to stop the alarm. Should the user fail to press it in the correct sequence, the buzzer will continue to buzz.
However, if the user press the right button sequence to snooze the alarm, the buzzer will stop buzzing for 5 minutes before continuing to buzz.
Alternatively, the user will also be able to turn off the alarm via a RFID card reader which will be placed at the other part of the house. Upon tapping the card on the RFID it will turn of the puzzle alarm.
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