I recently read an article on Medium by Ted Benson: How I Hacked Amazon’s $5 WiFi Button to track Baby Data
Once I saw this, I just thought “wow, that’s really cool!” and that was that. Then one day, a few weeks later, at work someone posted in a “chit-chat”Slack Channel about a Domino’s Pizza Node.js API and a lightbulb went off in my head! I immediately wanted a way to order a pizza at the push of a button.
My logic behind the need for a pizza at the push of a button went back to my college days and when I was living in Chicago going out and drinking quite a bit. Sometimes when you drink a little too much, you have the chance of getting a hangover in the morning and boy, oh boy waking up and getting out of bed can be a struggle. One time, in Chicago, I even ordered McDonald’s via Postmates because I couldn’t bring myself to bare the sunlight and put on proper clothes to leave the apartment. So I thought all of the technologically advanced frat bros and party-goers would appreciate being able to order their favorite meal from Dominos at the push of a button!
Here is the final result! The actual pressing of the button is kind of chopped off at the bottom of the screen. :/
Creating the Node App
I am using a npm module place the order: RIAEvangelist’s dominos. All you have to do is edit it with your own information, customize your favorite order, get it up and running on AWS, and then BAM! You can order as many pizzas 🍕 at the press of a button as you want!
I bet you can wire up a PizzaDash button like I did in about ten minutes with your own custom order. That’s pretty awesome to think about since you were never intended to do that with these little pieces of plastic. ALSO! If you think about any other ideas or uses for an Amazon AWS IoT Button, let me know in the comments or shoot me an email. Some ideas I’ve thought about is ordering my favorite Jimmy John’s sandwich or Chinese takeout? The possibilities are endless!
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