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AbyAlfordAmber Hafeez

Fully Automated and Optimised Home-Grow Chamber

Small home-grow chamber capable of sensing moisture, temperature, humidity and light. Optimised to automate water, humidity and CO2 levels.

BeginnerWork in progress1,447
Fully Automated and Optimised Home-Grow Chamber

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Open-Smart Arduino rich UNO R3
Grove Moisture Sensor
HiLetgo 3pcs MQ-135 MQ135 Air Quality Sensor Hazardous Gas Detection Module For Arduino AVR
Grove Water Atomisation Module
YwRobot® EZ R300 Motor Switch Control Module With Fan Fixed For Arduino
Mini Submersible Water Pump 3V DC AQUARIUM Arduino UK seller BBC Micro
Plant propagator (or plastic box)


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XOD analogue sensor and digital effector

// The sketch is auto-generated with XOD (https://xod.io).
// You can compile and upload it to an Arduino-compatible board with
// Arduino IDE.
// Rough code overview:
// - Configuration section
// - STL shim
// - Immutable list classes and functions
// - XOD runtime environment
// - Native node implementation
// - Program graph definition
// Search for comments fenced with '====' and '----' to navigate through
// the major code blocks.

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <inttypes.h>

 * Configuration

// Uncomment to turn on debug of the program
//#define XOD_DEBUG

// Uncomment to trace the program runtime in the Serial Monitor

 * STL shim. Provides implementation for vital std::* constructs

namespace xod {
namespace std {

template< class T > struct remove_reference      {typedef T type;};
template< class T > struct remove_reference<T&>  {typedef T type;};
template< class T > struct remove_reference<T&&> {typedef T type;};

template <class T>
typename remove_reference<T>::type&& move(T&& a) {
    return static_cast<typename remove_reference<T>::type&&>(a);

} // namespace std
} // namespace xod

 * XOD-specific list/array implementations

#ifndef XOD_LIST_H
#define XOD_LIST_H

namespace xod {
namespace detail {

 * Cursors are used internaly by iterators and list views. They are not exposed
 * directly to a list consumer.
 * The base `Cursor` is an interface which provides the bare minimum of methods
 * to facilitate a single iteration pass.
template<typename T> class Cursor {
    virtual ~Cursor() { }
    virtual bool isValid() const = 0;
    virtual bool value(T* out) const = 0;
    virtual void next() = 0;

template<typename T> class NilCursor : public Cursor<T> {
    virtual bool isValid() const { return false; }
    virtual bool value(T*) const { return false; }
    virtual void next() { }

} // namespace detail

 * Iterator is an object used to iterate a list once.
 * Users create new iterators by calling `someList.iterate()`.
 * Iterators are created on stack and are supposed to have a
 * short live, e.g. for a duration of `for` loop or node’s
 * `evaluate` function. Iterators can’t be copied.
 * Implemented as a pimpl pattern wrapper over the cursor.
 * Once created for a cursor, an iterator owns that cursor
 * and will delete the cursor object once destroyed itself.
template<typename T>
class Iterator {
    static Iterator<T> nil() {
        return Iterator<T>(new detail::NilCursor<T>());

    Iterator(detail::Cursor<T>* cursor)
        : _cursor(cursor)
    { }

    ~Iterator() {
        if (_cursor)
            delete _cursor;

    Iterator(const Iterator& that) = delete;
    Iterator& operator=(const Iterator& that) = delete;

    Iterator(Iterator&& it)
        : _cursor(it._cursor)
        it._cursor = nullptr;

    Iterator& operator=(Iterator&& it) {
        auto tmp = it._cursor;
        it._cursor = _cursor;
        _cursor = tmp;
        return *this;

    operator bool() const { return _cursor->isValid(); }

    bool value(T* out) const {
        return _cursor->value(out);

    T operator*() const {
        T out;
        return out;

    Iterator& operator++() {
        return *this;

    detail::Cursor<T>* _cursor;

 * An interface for a list view. A particular list view provides a new
 * kind of iteration over existing data. This way we can use list slices,
 * list concatenations, list rotations, etc without introducing new data
 * buffers. We just change the way already existing data is iterated.
 * ListView is not exposed to a list user directly, it is used internally
 * by the List class. However, deriving a new ListView is necessary if you
 * make a new list/string processing node.
template<typename T> class ListView {
    virtual Iterator<T> iterate() const = 0;

 * The list as it seen by data consumers. Have a single method `iterate`
 * to create a new iterator.
 * Implemented as pimpl pattern wrapper over a list view. Takes pointer
 * to a list view in constructor and expects the view will be alive for
 * the whole life time of the list.
template<typename T> class List {
    constexpr List()
        : _view(nullptr)
    { }

    List(const ListView<T>* view)
        : _view(view)
    { }

    Iterator<T> iterate() const {
        return _view ? _view->iterate() : Iterator<T>::nil();

    // pre 0.15.0 backward compatibility
    List* operator->() __attribute__ ((deprecated)) { return this; }
    const List* operator->() const __attribute__ ((deprecated)) { return this; }

    const ListView<T>* _view;

 * A list view over an old good plain C array.
 * Expects the array will be alive for the whole life time of the
 * view.
template<typename T> class PlainListView : public ListView<T> {
    class Cursor : public detail::Cursor<T> {
        Cursor(const PlainListView* owner)
            : _owner(owner)
            , _idx(0)
        { }

        bool isValid() const override {
            return _idx < _owner->_len;

        bool value(T* out) const override {
            if (!isValid())
                return false;
            *out = _owner->_data[_idx];
            return true;

        void next() override { ++_idx; }

        const PlainListView* _owner;
        size_t _idx;

    PlainListView(const T* data, size_t len)
        : _data(data)
        , _len(len)
    { }

    virtual Iterator<T> iterate() const override {
        return Iterator<T>(new Cursor(this));

    friend class Cursor;
    const T* _data;
    size_t _len;

 * A list view over a null-terminated C-String.
 * Expects the char buffer will be alive for the whole life time of the view.
 * You can use string literals as a buffer, since they are persistent for
 * the program execution time.
class CStringView : public ListView<char> {
    class Cursor : public detail::Cursor<char> {
        Cursor(const char* str)
            : _ptr(str)
        { }

        bool isValid() const override {
            return (bool)*_ptr;

        bool value(char* out) const override {
            *out = *_ptr;
            return (bool)*_ptr;

        void next() override { ++_ptr; }

        const char* _ptr;

    CStringView(const char* str = nullptr)
        : _str(str)
    { }

    CStringView& operator=(const CStringView& rhs) {
        _str = rhs._str;
        return *this;

    virtual Iterator<char> iterate() const override {
        return _str ? Iterator<char>(new Cursor(_str)) : Iterator<char>::nil();

    friend class Cursor;
    const char* _str;

 * A list view over two other lists (Left and Right) which first iterates the
 * left one, and when exhausted, iterates the right one.
 * Expects both Left and Right to be alive for the whole view life time.
template<typename T> class ConcatListView : public ListView<T> {
    class Cursor : public detail::Cursor<T> {
        Cursor(Iterator<T>&& left, Iterator<T>&& right)
            : _left(std::move(left))
            , _right(std::move(right))
        { }

        bool isValid() const override {
            return _left || _right;

        bool value(T* out) const override {
            return _left.value(out) || _right.value(out);

        void next() override {
            _left ? ++_left : ++_right;

        Iterator<T> _left;
        Iterator<T> _right;

    ConcatListView() { }

    ConcatListView(List<T> left, List<T> right)
        : _left(left)
        , _right(right)
    { }

    ConcatListView& operator=(const ConcatListView& rhs) {
        _left = rhs._left;
        _right = rhs._right;
        return *this;

    virtual Iterator<T> iterate() const override {
        return Iterator<T>(new Cursor(_left.iterate(), _right.iterate()));

    friend class Cursor;
    List<T> _left;
    List<T> _right;

// Text string helpers

using XString = List<char>;

 * List and list view in a single pack. An utility used to define constant
 * string literals in XOD.
class XStringCString : public XString {
    XStringCString(const char* str)
        : XString(&_view)
        , _view(str)
    { }

    CStringView _view;

} // namespace xod


 * Functions to work with memory
#ifdef __AVR__
// Placement `new` for Arduino
void* operator new(size_t, void* ptr) {
    return ptr;

 * UART Classes, that wraps Serials

class HardwareSerial;
class SoftwareSerial;

namespace xod {

class Uart {
    long _baud;

    bool _started = false;

    Uart(long baud) {
        _baud = baud;

    virtual void begin() = 0;

    virtual void end() = 0;

    virtual void flush() = 0;

    virtual bool available() = 0;

    virtual bool writeByte(uint8_t) = 0;

    virtual bool readByte(uint8_t*) = 0;

    virtual SoftwareSerial* toSoftwareSerial() {
      return nullptr;

    virtual HardwareSerial* toHardwareSerial() {
      return nullptr;

    void changeBaudRate(long baud) {
      _baud = baud;
      if (_started) {

    long getBaudRate() const {
      return _baud;

    Stream* toStream() {
      Stream* stream = (Stream*) toHardwareSerial();
      if (stream) return stream;
      return (Stream*) toSoftwareSerial();

class HardwareUart : public Uart {
    HardwareSerial* _serial;

    HardwareUart(HardwareSerial& hserial, uint32_t baud = 115200) : Uart(baud) {
      _serial = &hserial;

    void begin();
    void end();
    void flush();

    bool available() {
      return (bool) _serial->available();

    bool writeByte(uint8_t byte) {
      return (bool) _serial->write(byte);

    bool readByte(uint8_t* out) {
      int data = _serial->read();
      if (data == -1) return false;
      *out = data;
      return true;

    HardwareSerial* toHardwareSerial() {
      return _serial;

void HardwareUart::begin() {
  _started = true;
void HardwareUart::end() {
  _started = false;
void HardwareUart::flush() {

} // namespace xod

 * Basic algorithms for XOD lists


namespace xod {

 * Folds a list from left. Also known as "reduce".
template<typename T, typename TR>
TR foldl(List<T> xs, TR (*func)(TR, T), TR acc) {
    for (auto it = xs.iterate(); it; ++it)
        acc = func(acc, *it);
    return acc;

template<typename T> size_t lengthReducer(size_t len, T) {
    return len + 1;

 * Computes length of a list.
template<typename T> size_t length(List<T> xs) {
    return foldl(xs, lengthReducer<T>, (size_t)0);

template<typename T> T* dumpReducer(T* buff, T x) {
    *buff = x;
    return buff + 1;

 * Copies a list content into a memory buffer.
 * It is expected that `outBuff` has enough size to fit all the data.
template<typename T> size_t dump(List<T> xs, T* outBuff) {
    T* buffEnd = foldl(xs, dumpReducer, outBuff);
    return buffEnd - outBuff;

 * Compares two lists.
template<typename T> bool equal(List<T> lhs, List<T> rhs) {
    auto lhsIt = lhs.iterate();
    auto rhsIt = rhs.iterate();

    for (; lhsIt && rhsIt; ++lhsIt, ++rhsIt) {
        if (*lhsIt != *rhsIt) return false;

    return !lhsIt && !rhsIt;

} // namespace xod


 * Runtime

// Debug routines
#  define DEBUG_SERIAL Serial

#if defined(XOD_DEBUG) && defined(XOD_DEBUG_ENABLE_TRACE)
#  define XOD_TRACE(x)      { DEBUG_SERIAL.print(x); DEBUG_SERIAL.flush(); }
#  define XOD_TRACE_LN(x)   { DEBUG_SERIAL.println(x); DEBUG_SERIAL.flush(); }
#  define XOD_TRACE_F(x)    XOD_TRACE(F(x))
#  define XOD_TRACE_FLN(x)  XOD_TRACE_LN(F(x))
#  define XOD_TRACE(x)
#  define XOD_TRACE_LN(x)
#  define XOD_TRACE_F(x)
#  define XOD_TRACE_FLN(x)

// PGM space utilities
#define pgm_read_nodeid(address) (pgm_read_word(address))

 * Workaround for bugs:
 * https://github.com/arduino/ArduinoCore-sam/pull/43
 * https://github.com/arduino/ArduinoCore-samd/pull/253
 * Remove after the PRs merge
#if !defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_AVR) && defined(pgm_read_ptr)
#  undef pgm_read_ptr
#  define pgm_read_ptr(addr) (*(const void **)(addr))

// Compatibilities

#if !defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_AVR) && !defined(__DTOSTRF_H_)
 * Provide dtostrf function for non-AVR platforms. Although many platforms
 * provide a stub many others do not. And the stub is based on `sprintf`
 * which doesn’t work with floating point formatters on some platforms
 * (e.g. Arduino M0).
 * This is an implementation based on `fcvt` standard function. Taken here:
 * https://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=368720.msg2542614#msg2542614
char *dtostrf(double val, int width, unsigned int prec, char *sout) {
    int decpt, sign, reqd, pad;
    const char *s, *e;
    char *p;
    s = fcvt(val, prec, &decpt, &sign);
    if (prec == 0 && decpt == 0) {
        s = (*s < '5') ? "0" : "1";
        reqd = 1;
    } else {
        reqd = strlen(s);
        if (reqd > decpt) reqd++;
        if (decpt == 0) reqd++;
    if (sign) reqd++;
    p = sout;
    e = p + reqd;
    pad = width - reqd;
    if (pad > 0) {
        e += pad;
        while (pad-- > 0) *p++ = ' ';
    if (sign) *p++ = '-';
    if (decpt <= 0 && prec > 0) {
        *p++ = '0';
        *p++ = '.';
        while ( decpt < 0 ) {
            *p++ = '0';
    while (p < e) {
        *p++ = *s++;
        if (p == e) break;
        if (--decpt == 0) *p++ = '.';
    if (width < 0) {
        pad = (reqd + width) * -1;
        while (pad-- > 0) *p++ = ' ';
    *p = 0;
    return sout;

namespace xod {
// Type definitions
#if __SIZEOF_FLOAT__ == 4
typedef float Number;
typedef double Number;
typedef bool Logic;
typedef unsigned long TimeMs;
typedef uint8_t DirtyFlags;

// Global variables

TimeMs g_transactionTime;
bool g_isSettingUp;

// Metaprogramming utilities

template<typename T> struct always_false {
    enum { value = 0 };

// Forward declarations

TimeMs transactionTime();
void runTransaction();

// Engine (private API)

namespace detail {

template<typename NodeT>
bool isTimedOut(const NodeT* node) {
    TimeMs t = node->timeoutAt;
    // TODO: deal with uint32 overflow
    return t && t < transactionTime();

// Marks timed out node dirty. Do not reset timeoutAt here to give
// a chance for a node to get a reasonable result from `isTimedOut`
// later during its `evaluate`
template<typename NodeT>
void checkTriggerTimeout(NodeT* node) {
    node->isNodeDirty |= isTimedOut(node);

template<typename NodeT>
void clearTimeout(NodeT* node) {
    node->timeoutAt = 0;

template<typename NodeT>
void clearStaleTimeout(NodeT* node) {
    if (isTimedOut(node))

} // namespace detail

// Public API (can be used by native nodes’ `evaluate` functions)

TimeMs transactionTime() {
    return g_transactionTime;

bool isSettingUp() {
    return g_isSettingUp;

template<typename ContextT>
void setTimeout(ContextT* ctx, TimeMs timeout) {
    ctx->_node->timeoutAt = transactionTime() + timeout;

template<typename ContextT>
void clearTimeout(ContextT* ctx) {

template<typename ContextT>
bool isTimedOut(const ContextT* ctx) {
    return detail::isTimedOut(ctx->_node);

bool isValidDigitalPort(uint8_t port) {
#if defined(__AVR__) && defined(NUM_DIGITAL_PINS)
    return port < NUM_DIGITAL_PINS;
    return true;

bool isValidAnalogPort(uint8_t port) {
#if defined(__AVR__) && defined(NUM_ANALOG_INPUTS)
    return port >= A0 && port < A0 + NUM_ANALOG_INPUTS;
    return true;

} // namespace xod

// Entry point
void setup() {
    // FIXME: looks like there is a rounding bug. Waiting for 100ms fights it
#ifdef XOD_DEBUG
    XOD_TRACE_FLN("\n\nProgram started");

    xod::g_isSettingUp = true;
    xod::g_isSettingUp = false;

void loop() {

 * Native node implementations

namespace xod {

// xod/core/continuously implementation
namespace xod__core__continuously {

struct State {

struct Node {
    State state;
    TimeMs timeoutAt;
    Logic output_TICK;

    union {
        struct {
            bool isOutputDirty_TICK : 1;
            bool isNodeDirty : 1;

        DirtyFlags dirtyFlags;

struct output_TICK { };

template<typename PinT> struct ValueType { using T = void; };
template<> struct ValueType<output_TICK> { using T = Logic; };

struct ContextObject {
    Node* _node;


using Context = ContextObject*;

template<typename PinT> typename ValueType<PinT>::T getValue(Context ctx) {
            "Invalid pin descriptor. Expected one of:" \
            "" \
            " output_TICK");

template<> Logic getValue<output_TICK>(Context ctx) {
    return ctx->_node->output_TICK;

template<typename InputT> bool isInputDirty(Context ctx) {
            "Invalid input descriptor. Expected one of:" \
    return false;

template<typename OutputT> void emitValue(Context ctx, typename ValueType<OutputT>::T val) {
            "Invalid output descriptor. Expected one of:" \
            " output_TICK");

template<> void emitValue<output_TICK>(Context ctx, Logic val) {
    ctx->_node->output_TICK = val;
    ctx->_node->isOutputDirty_TICK = true;

State* getState(Context ctx) {
    return &ctx->_node->state;

void evaluate(Context ctx) {
    emitValue<output_TICK>(ctx, 1);
    setTimeout(ctx, 0);

} // namespace xod__core__continuously

// xod/gpio/analog-read implementation
namespace xod__gpio__analog_read {

struct State {

struct Node {
    State state;
    Number output_VAL;
    Logic output_DONE;
    Logic output_ERR;

    union {
        struct {
            bool isOutputDirty_VAL : 1;
            bool isOutputDirty_DONE : 1;
            bool isOutputDirty_ERR : 1;
            bool isNodeDirty : 1;

        DirtyFlags dirtyFlags;

struct input_PORT { };
struct input_UPD { };
struct output_VAL { };
struct output_DONE { };
struct output_ERR { };

template<typename PinT> struct ValueType { using T = void; };
template<> struct ValueType<input_PORT> { using T = uint8_t; };
template<> struct ValueType<input_UPD> { using T = Logic; };
template<> struct ValueType<output_VAL> { using T = Number; };
template<> struct ValueType<output_DONE> { using T = Logic; };
template<> struct ValueType<output_ERR> { using T = Logic; };

struct ContextObject {
    Node* _node;

    uint8_t _input_PORT;
    Logic _input_UPD;

    bool _isInputDirty_UPD;

using Context = ContextObject*;

template<typename PinT> typename ValueType<PinT>::T getValue(Context ctx) {
            "Invalid pin descriptor. Expected one of:" \
            " input_PORT input_UPD" \
            " output_VAL output_DONE output_ERR");

template<> uint8_t getValue<input_PORT>(Context ctx) {
    return ctx->_input_PORT;
template<> Logic getValue<input_UPD>(Context ctx) {
    return ctx->_input_UPD;
template<> Number getValue<output_VAL>(Context ctx) {
    return ctx->_node->output_VAL;
template<> Logic getValue<output_DONE>(Context ctx) {
    return ctx->_node->output_DONE;
template<> Logic getValue<output_ERR>(Context ctx) {
    return ctx->_node->output_ERR;

template<typename InputT> bool isInputDirty(Context ctx) {
            "Invalid input descriptor. Expected one of:" \
            " input_UPD");
    return false;

template<> bool isInputDirty<input_UPD>(Context ctx) {
    return ctx->_isInputDirty_UPD;

template<typename OutputT> void emitValue(Context ctx, typename ValueType<OutputT>::T val) {
            "Invalid output descriptor. Expected one of:" \
            " output_VAL output_DONE output_ERR");

template<> void emitValue<output_VAL>(Context ctx, Number val) {
    ctx->_node->output_VAL = val;
    ctx->_node->isOutputDirty_VAL = true;
template<> void emitValue<output_DONE>(Context ctx, Logic val) {
    ctx->_node->output_DONE = val;
    ctx->_node->isOutputDirty_DONE = true;

This file has been truncated, please download it to see its full contents.




1 project • 1 follower
Amber Hafeez

Amber Hafeez

1 project • 1 follower
Thanks to Jennifer McClure and Aaron Hunter.
