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Mayank JonejaR
Published © GPL3+

Trash Talker Using Bolt IoT

The trashcan in our office isn't smart. No smarter than a 1 year old baby which can shout and cry to make its needs heard anyway.

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Trash Talker Using Bolt IoT

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Trash Talker Breadboard Circuit

The circuit for the Trash Talker system


Trash Check Distance

Modified Ultrasonic Simple example from ErickSimoes/Ultrasonic library to send data from sensor over serial to Bolt.
 * Ultrasonic Simple
 * Prints the distance read by an ultrasonic sensor in
 * centimeters. They are supported to four pins ultrasound
 * sensors (liek HC-SC04) and three pins (like PING)))
 * and Seeed Studio sesores).
 * The circuit:
 * * Module HR-SC04 (four pins) or PING))) (and other with
 *   three pins), attached to digital pins as follows:
 * ---------------------    ---------------------
 * | HC-SC04 | Arduino |    | 3 pins  | Arduino |
 * ---------------------    ---------------------
 * |   Vcc   |   5V    |    |   Vcc   |   5V    |
 * |   Trig  |   12    | OR |   SIG   |   13    |
 * |   Echo  |   13    |    |   Gnd   |   GND   |
 * |   Gnd   |   GND   |    ---------------------
 * ---------------------
 * Note: You need not obligatorily use the pins defined above
 * By default, the distance returned by the distanceRead()
 * method is in centimeters, to get the distance in inches,
 * pass INC as a parameter.
 * Example: ultrasonic.distanceRead(INC)
 * created 3 Apr 2014
 * by Erick Simões (github: @ErickSimoes | twitter: @AloErickSimoes)
 * modified 23 Jan 2017
 * by Erick Simões (github: @ErickSimoes | twitter: @AloErickSimoes)
 * modified 03 Mar 2017
 * by Erick Simões (github: @ErickSimoes | twitter: @AloErickSimoes)
 * This example code is released into the MIT License.

#include <Ultrasonic.h>

 * Pass as a parameter the trigger and echo pin, respectively,
 * or only the signal pin (for sensors 3 pins), like:
 * Ultrasonic ultrasonic(13);
Ultrasonic ultrasonic(12, 13);

void setup() {

void loop() {


Trash Alert

This is the Python script you run on your PC to check the distance against a threshold and send SMS alerts.
from boltiot import Bolt, Sms #Import Sms and Bolt class from boltiot library
import json, time

garbage_full_limit = 5 # the distance between device and  garbage in dustbin in cm

API_KEY = "your Bolt Cloud api key"
DEVICE_ID  = "your device id"

# Credentials required to send SMS
SID = 'your twilio sid'
AUTH_TOKEN = 'your twilio auth token'
FROM_NUMBER = 'This is the no. generated by Twilio. You can find this on your Twilio Dashboard'
TO_NUMBER = 'This is your number. Make sure you are adding country code in the beginning'

mybolt = Bolt(API_KEY, DEVICE_ID) #Create object to fetch data
sms = Sms(SID, AUTH_TOKEN, TO_NUMBER, FROM_NUMBER) #Create object to send SMS
response = mybolt.serialRead('10')
print response

while True:
    response = mybolt.serialRead('10')  #Fetching the value from Arduino
    data = json.loads(response)
    garbage_value = data['value'].rstrip()
    print "Garbage level is", garbage_value
    if int(garbage_value) < garbage_full_limit:
        response = sms.send_sms('Hello DeBae, I am full- Trash Talker')


Mayank Joneja
6 projects • 42 followers
Embedded Hardware Development and Robotics. Networked Embedded Systems | IoT | Wireless Sensor Networks | Design Thinking


7 projects • 94 followers
Senior Software Developer
Thanks to Erick Simoes.


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