I have a Raspberry Pi 3B+ and I use it for simple home automation like control the TV, AC and some lights. Recently I bought a cheap Chinese CNC router and started to make simple PCBs. (I want to point that I am absolute beginner in electronics so there might be some mistakes).
One of the first idea I had was to build board for the RPi that has temperature sensor and IR LED. So this tutorial is about what tools I use to accomplish this idea.
Step 1: PCB SchematicThe schematic is very simple, the Si7020 use i2c protocol so it must be connected to pin 3 and 5 on RPi, the fan must be connected to pin 2 or 4 and all other component can be assign at different pins. Currently I use these pins because for me it was the simplest way to design the traces for the pcb.
It is important to say that when I add component(or make trace) in the pcb design I always make this component pads at least 0.6mm. For example if the pad is with size 0.6x0.4mm I make it 0.6x0.6 and this is because my CNC is unable to make it smaller without cutting too much.
Step 2: PCB MillingFor pcb milling I use 30˚ angle bit with 0.1mm tip.
FlatCamp setup
For traces cutout
- Tool Diameter: 0.13 Type V.
- The "Cut Z" should be -0.06mm.
- Enable Multi-Depth with value: 0.03
- Travel Z: 1.2
- Spindle speed: 8000(this is max for my DC motor)
For holes drill and board cutout
- Cut Z: -1.501 *I use 1.5mm F4 PCB so this value should be changed according to your pcb thickness.
- Travel Z: 1.2
- Spindle speed: 8000(this is max for my DC motor)
I left all other settings unchanged:
- Feed Rate X-Y: 80
- Feed Rate Z: 80
bCNC setup
Before start milling I run autolevel and I aways set X-Y steps for probing to be maximum 3mm.
Step 3: SolderingFor soldering I use Dremel Versatip which can be used as hot air gun or soldering iron.
First I start with the iron tip. I apply flux to every pad I will use(the brown and black sports on the pcb in image gallery are flux). After that I apply very little amount of tin. Then I switch to hot air gun, position the components on there places and start heating them.
Step 5: Run and Useful LinksFor IR LED I use Lirc and for the sensor I wrote a little python script.
As you can see the temperature measured by the sensor is 31˚. The actual temp is the room was 24˚. The difference comes from the RPi temp, which is 45˚ with fan running. So when I return the measured temperature from the sensor I subtract "7˚" and the returned value is pretty accurate.
If you have any questions I will happy to answer you.