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Timothy Woo
Published © GPL3+

DIY Reflow Oven with Reflowduino

The Reflowduino is a completely open-source, Arduino-compatible wireless reflow oven controller packed with features!

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DIY Reflow Oven with Reflowduino

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Toaster Oven
A cheap $20 should work just fine as long as it can heat up adequately. You could substitute this with a hot plate but the results may not be as good!
Reflowduino Basic
This Reflowduino version is perfect with the Solid-State Sidekick! The Reflowduino comes with a K-type thermocouple and female header kit.
Solid-State Sidekick Relay Module
The Sidekick has a beefy solid-state relay that allows you to painlessly control practically any toaster oven simply by plugging it in! It's the perfect match for the Reflowduino Basic, which doesn't have a solid-state relay. The Sidekick comes with its own power cord so all you have to do is plug it in!
Solder Paste
I prefer lead-free, low-temperature solder paste, but feel free to use whatever suits you!

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE
A full demo sketch is provided on Github!
Thunkable (Optional)
Thunkable is a great block-style app-builder for Android and recently for iOS as well, all for free! I made the Reflowduino app in Thunkable, so feel free to check out the source code!
Microsoft Excel
The Reflowduino can enter data into Excel in real time. Use this feature for data analysis and real-time graphing!

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Small Flathead Screwdriver
For securing wires to a screw terminal


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Reflowduino Schematics

You can also find the Reflowduino and Solid-State Sidekick schematics on the Github page!


Reflowduino Github Repository

Visit the Reflowduino Github repo for all source files, example Arduino IDE sketches, and a full wiki!


Timothy Woo
7 projects • 173 followers
I'm a young engineer with a passion for DIY and electronics! My motto is "Learn to share, share to learn!"


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