Soldering station supported Hakko T12 tips and rework station 858D.
Improved version of the soldering iron controller for Hakko 907 iron. To simplify building the controller, LCD screen is implemented.
Soldering station supported Hakko T12 tips and rework Hot Air Gun 858D using color TFT ili9341 display.
Using STM32 to build a soldering iron controller. This time with a graphics OLED display.
How to build your own soldering iron controller for amazing Hakko T12 tips.
Three-channels Soldering station that manages Hakko T12 tips, JBC C245 tips and Hot Air Gun 858D.
The soldering iron controller based on arduino that implements PID method to keep the temperature of the iron.
The united soldering and rework station that manages the Hakko T12 and JBC C245 tips together with Hot Air Gun 858D.
The cheapest micro soldering station in the world, using a cheap USB soldering iron.
A upgrade to my SMD Hot Plate with a larger hot plate, better cooling and updated software.
Combine RF and an Arduino to control electronics from your Android smartphone phone.
Make a 5-channel SMS based Home Automation system using 1Sheeld.
Adjustable Temperature PTC Hot Plate for soldering SMD
Expand your board's storage with an I2C-enabled EEPROM chip.
An easy to use graphical reflow controller for your toaster oven!
A SMD Hot Plate made from a Printed Circuit Board. It has multiple heat profiles and is capable of reaching over 220 degrees Celsius.
Just plug the device with an SD card inside into any USB port. It creates an FTP server where we can send and receive data to the SD card.
Did your somewhat expensive ($50) soldering iron just die? Well then fix it with another one!
How to easily make a robot that follows a given path that is a line using an Arduino microcontroller board along with the programming.
An Arduino-based altimeter, mostly for model rocketry.
SMD reflow hot plate with a 200mm x 100mm surface area
A solder fume extractor that turns on in the presence of smoke from the soldering iron.
A 2021 revision of the original MBC design by Fabio Defabis with disk emulation on microSD. Runs CP/M + applications with a VT100 terminal.
The Reflowduino is a completely open-source, Arduino-compatible wireless reflow oven controller packed with features!